M 15 month stats

Seriously? I can’t even believe how late I am for this post, and that’s saying something, seeing how I haven’t been “on time” for a post in about 4 years. Morrison turned 15 months old almost 2 months ago! In all fairness, we didn’t have his 15-month well check until he was almost 16 months old, but still! That was nearly an entire month ago. Ah well, here I am now.


Here are his official 15 month stats:

  • Weight: 26 lbs. 2 oz. (86%)
  • Height: 33″ (92%)
  • Head: 49 cm (93%)
  • BMI: 17 (68%)


This one. He just keeps getting better and better. And I feel like such a monster even saying this, but I make a daily pact with myself to not get mad at him for no apparent reason. Because I found myself doing that. A lot. And I hated it. He didn’t deserve it; he just always happened to be in the way of something I was doing at that particular moment and really wanted to get done, but being his mama is what I really want to be doing. So I made myself stop being so selfish around him and remember that he and his sisters are what truly count. My time with them will never come back, and I needed to stop being rotten and love them better. So I am.


He smiles. He laughs. He hugs. He kisses. He snuggles. He runs. He chases. He helps. He plays. He creates. He does. He is. He amazes. He shines. He lives. He loves.


It is so fun watching him grow up as this little tiny man. Obviously being 100% used to raising little girls, seeing this one come barreling through life is pretty spectacular. For as crazy and silly as he can be, he honestly listens to you and gives the best snuggles imaginable. He grabs my arms and neck in bear hugs that melt my heart into a giant puddle that fills my entire soul and being. And he now does this thing where I swear he’s pretending to eat my face. Probably because I am constantly nuzzling and kissing his entire head. I just can’t get enough.


I cannot tell you how many people have said, “Oh, a little boy. Just you wait!” Or “Get ready for boys!” And I really can’t stand it. He is being raised no differently or given any different attention simply because he’s a boy instead of a girl. And I honestly haven’t seen a whole lot of difference in the genders so far activity-wise, attitude-wise, whatever-wise. You’ve met Lana, right? Ok. Enough said.


He still loves his plug (pacifier) more than life itself, which I have been unable to rectify so far, but when his face isn’t plugged up he’s actually quite the little chatterbox. Here’s a list of some of his current favorite “words”:

  • Bucky (buh-buh)
  • Excuse me (kind of a “coo muh” sound)
  • Ding-dong (dih-daw)
  • Pumpkin (puh-puh)
  • Lana (ya-ya)
  • TV (dee-dee)
  • Please (mee with the sign for please)
  • Baby (ba-buh)
  • Football (very similar to Bucky, buh-buh)
  • Elmo (bah-bo)
  • Cookie (as in Cookie Monster – dee-dee)
  • Banana (na-nuh)
  • Choo-choo
  • Goldfish (go-go)
  • Nigh-night
  • Poop (poo; and he likes to point to his diaper and nod his head when I ask him if he’s pooped in his pants)
  • Knock-knock (while knocking on a door)
  • Giving his cute little sideways grin when I tell him to do his “crinky” face
  • And of course he’s been saying Mama for a long time, usually screamed at the top of his lungs
  • Singing – whenever we start singing, especially “Happy Birthday,” he actually starts singing along with us. Not with words, but with tone. It’s so cute!

For the posterity stats, he’s in size 12-18 month clothes, but that’s soon to be pretty much all 18 months when I rotate his dresser and put in all the cold-weather clothing. Size 6 or 7 shoes. Size 5 diapers, both daytime and nighttime. And since we’re out of comparison photos, here is Della’s 15 month post (Lana didn’t have an update until 18 months, so stay tuned!).

My little lovebug.



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