He’s One!

Morrison turned 1 year old on May 31, so this post is extraordinarily late. However, I just realized the other day that we didn’t even have his 12-month well check until June 15, then I forgot to get the sheet from his doctor with all his stats on it so have been waiting to receive that in the mail, so I didn’t even have all the info I wanted to put in here anyway to write it earlier. So there, I feel better about that now.


Here are his official 12 month stats:

  • Height: 31.5″ (93%)
  • Weight: 23 lbs. 5 oz (76%)
  • Head: 47 cm (72%)

There honestly isn’t a whole lot of new stuff to report since his 11 month post (including the posterity stats and sizes), so I’ll just fill this one with pictures. His walking is great, he now loves to scream with excitement (literally. he is so loud!), he transitioned to a little Thermos sippy cup for all of his milk except a bedtime bottle with ease, he’s enjoying playing outside in the summer weather just as much as his big sisters, and he is becoming more and more of a funny little person every day.









As a new twist, here’s a month-by-month look at this little guy’s first year. And then the usual Goonie trifecta, along with Della’s 1 year post and Lana’s 1 year post. Sorry for the really poor quality of these collages; I’m not sure why they’re so blurry this time.

M12 #2

12 mos #2

Happy birthday, little one! I can’t believe you’ve been with us for over a full year now. We love you more and more each day!


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