M 8 month stats

Morrison turns 9 months old in exactly 1 week, and of course I haven’t gotten a chance to even write his 8 month post yet. In my defense, however, I have actually been busy working. I had a book editing project that finished up the week before last, then last week I got a monster editing project from that same publishing company to help edit an encyclopedia. What?! I know. But anyway, here we are again, so let’s check this kid out at 8 months.


Unfortunately, I have no idea where our most recent pictures are, so you’re stuck with just his monthly shots this time. Great mother, eh? Not only am I 3 weeks late for a month-by-month update, but I don’t even have enough pictures to share. Poor kid. We have the next checkup for 9 months, too, so there are no official numbers either. Criminy!

But he’s cute, so here’s another 8 month pose.


He started crawling 1 week before 8 months, and now he’s all over the house. Fortunately he appears to be a fast learner and is starting to understand where he can and can’t go and what he can and can’t grab to shove in his mouth. At the end of last week he started pulling himself up to standing, too. Now he loves to hold onto the sides of his playpen or bed and bounce up and down. Little stinkpot.

He is still the best eater and loves to gobble down every meal we give him. Favorites include oatmeal and bananas or applesauce, sweet potatoes, avocados, yogurt, Cheerios, cheese, beans, and tiny pieces of the girls’ snacks. He gets 4 6-8 oz. bottles of formula a day, with all nursing ending just before 8 months and all breastmilk being used up right after 8 months.


Sleep is still hit or miss, but he has now gone multi-week stretches of sleeping through the night, which, for him, is from 7:00 to somewhere in the 5:00 morning hour. So not bad, especially if I actually go to bed anytime before 10:00. Last week, however, he started waking up again, but that was at the onset of the most horrific case of diaper rash he has ever had and that I might have ever seen. There are purely raw patches of skin on either side of his legs and buns right now, and he’s been pooping almost every diaper change. That obviously doesn’t help the cause. I finally got Triple Paste yesterday after using Aquafor, and it seems to be healing already. This may be due to teething, because I did see his next top tooth almost poking through at the end of last week, but it looks like it has receded. I sure hope this ends soon, though, because when he poops in the middle of the night it hurts him and he wakes up crying.

I think that’s about it for the big things this month. It’s hard to believe he’s almost as old as the time he spent in utero. In fact, he might be there already, since he was born 10 days early. I’ll have to calculate for sure.


Here is the monthly trifecta. Della, Lana, Morrison. Pretty much the cutest kids I’ve ever seen, but I’m obviously 100% biased. My heart is so full.
