Half a year!

Morrison turned 6 months old a week ago today. Only 1 week late with the post – that’s got to be a record! We did have his well check last week, too, so here are the numbers:
- Height: 27.5″ (83%, 4 months was 97%)
- Weight: 18.0625 lbs. (60%, 4 months was 73%)
- Head: 44.5 cm (81%)
- BMI: 17 kg/m2 (40%)
There actually is not a ton different from his 5 month post. He’s still rolling all around; jumping like crazy in the jumperoo; eating his oatmeal, sweet potatoes, avocados, and bananas; not sleeping through the night; 2 teeth; and drooling all over the place.

His new favorite method of communication is grunting, which makes him sound like a tiny caveman. I have noticed some definite consonant sounds, though – m, n, and b.

He gives the best bear hugs, which usually result in him grabbing my hair by the handful. Thankfully I can uncoil his little fingers before it actually gets yanked out of my head. He also loves to be tickled under his arms, on his belly, and under his chin. There is something about baby laughter that is like angels singing.

He moves himself all around the play mats now, too, without crawling, so I think once the Christmas tree is down and there’s a little more space we’ll have to get the playpen out. Little stinker. He has also begun trying to sit himself up when you set him down. He has never successfully pulled himself all the way to sitting, but he’s certainly working those abs.

I just read back through Lana’s 6 month post, and these 2 descriptions are strikingly similar. Oh dear lord in heaven, help us if Morrison is going to be as big a personality as Lana. His overall demeanor seems much calmer than hers ever has been, but what I wrote about her at 6 months could almost be copied and pasted right in here today. Eesh.

I keep forgetting to include the posterity stats in Morrison’s updates – size 3 diapers and 6 month clothes at the absolute smallest (although 9 months have already started to fit much better than anything 6 month anymore). He naps in the morning for generally up to an hour just depending on if we’re walking to school or not, usually between 2-3 hours early- to mid-afternoon, and then he’s actually started putting a short evening nap back in sometimes. He still is ready for bed by about 7 at the latest, sometimes much earlier if he doesn’t take that evening cat nap, nurses 4 times a day throughout the morning and afternoon, eats solids at dinner, then has a 6 oz. bottle of formula at bedtime. I thought the bigger bottle of formula would help keep him full better during the night, but it still has had little effect on that nice long through-the-night stretch of sleep that we so desperately want. I don’t mind giving him that one bottle, though, because my milk supply is usually not enough for him to get full by that point in the day anyway.
So there he is, our half-year old. Cute, cute, cute!

As usual, the Goonies comparison. Della, Lana, Morrison; sorry it’s kind of a weird picture, but the Della and Lana side was a comparison I already had from Lana’s 6 month post, so those 2 were already put together. I love these kids!

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