M 5 month stats

Only 2 weeks late, no big deal.

Morrison turned 5 months old on Halloween, and so far this has been probably his most eventful month yet. We don’t have a well-check until 6 months, so no official numbers again this time.


But here’s what’s happening with this adorable little boy now:

He’s rolling. Back to front happened just a few days after his 5 month birthday, and it’s now his favorite activity when you put him down on the floor.


He’s eating. He started getting solid foods the day after his 5 month birthday in the hopes that a dinner of solids might help him sleep through the night better. The jury is still out on that, but my new method of not feeding him at all during the night and just soothing him back to sleep in his crib with a pacifier and back pats if he wakes and fusses seems to be inching us closer, anyway.


He’s teething. Ugh. That first tooth broke through that same week with the rolling and eating, and I don’t think he liked it at all. That’s a lot for 1 tiny body to handle all at once. And then the second one decided to join the party 2 days ago as well. Wahoo!

He’s drooling. Still and always.


He’s cute!


Here is the monthly comparison shot, and they were all taken in the same spot for once – Della, Lana, Morrison, left to right. And here is Lana’s 5 month post in case you’d like to compare notes as well.


This little boy is an absolute joy, and I swear he just keeps getting happier and happier! Love, love, love.
