
Lana Marie just turned 3!



Our beautiful second born turned 3 years old on Wednesday, and I can’t believe how much it seems like she’s grown up in just these past couple weeks. Her sentences are clearer, she pronounces sounds so much better (especially “L”), and she’s getting so tall! I’ll catch myself looking at her and thinking, “Where in the world has my baby girl gone??” Fortunately, her answer to that question is always, “I’m right here! I’ll always be your big baby girl.”



She’s smart, she’s sassy, she’s pretty independent, and she’s wickedly creative. For as often as she makes me yell, I can’t even begin to put into words how much I love this girl and how full my heart and soul are because of her.




I’m secretly thrilled that I get to have her at home with me for another whole year after this one before she has to head off to K4. Spending my days with her and now Morrison, too, makes me so happy.




We love you so much, Lana Marie! Thank you for being the sprite-liest part of our family!!


This is pretty incredible – check out this shot of Della at her 3rd birthday party compared to the one of Lana from her party last weekend. Ryan actually did a double-take, thinking the one of Della was Lana! I’m apparently very creative with their hairstyles at this age. And if you’re interested, here is Della’s 3 year old post. I’m sure it’s chock-full of stats and how her development was at that point, whereas Lana can’t be described by numbers and measurements. This one is off with the fairies!


And a bonus comparison today! Lana loves her birthday parties, as evidenced by the same pose at her 1 year party.




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