25 weeks

As you will see shortly, our lovely full-length mirror, the only full-length mirror in our home I might add, has suddenly developed a crack all the way across it. I have no idea how it happened. I know exactly when it happened, but the how will elude us forever. There’s nothing the girls could have done to it to make it appear, it doesn’t hit the bench behind it, nothing slammed into it. So apparently we just aren’t allowed to have nice things in this house. Ever.

But that has nothing to do with #3.

  • How far along?  25 weeks, 1 day
  • Total weight gain:  Too much.
  • Maternity clothes?  Pants, yes, and just a couple maternity tops. One good thing about being pregnant in winter is since it’s cold, I can cover up in all my sweatshirts and sweaters and not worry about finding shirts to fit.
  • Stretch marks?  Nope, not yet. And the third time around better not be when those suckers rear their ugly heads, either.
  • Sleep:  So far pretty good.
  • Best moment this week:  Finishing the diaper bag! I’m so excited and proud of this monster project, because it certainly lived up to the nickname I gave it, which was the beast. Seeing as I turned on a sewing machine for the very first time in July last year, I’m ecstatic that I actually made this bag. I had to combine 2 humongous tutorials and different sized bags, so the end result blew my mind. Pictures in a second.
  • Miss anything?  Nothing right now really. However, I could really go for a Guinness or glass of wine every now and then. Which I know I can have, I just haven’t yet.
  • Movement:  Yes, since 1 day before week 15. That’s the earliest of all 3 – D was 20 weeks and L was around 16 weeks.
  • Cravings:  Not right now.
  • Aversions:  Now that the first trimester is over, again, not really anything. Those first couple weeks, though, wow – life in general was an aversion of mine. Scents are still stronger than normal, but nothing like when I was pregnant with D and my entire sense of smell got turned upside down.
  • Gender:  Did not find out. I’m still sure it’s a boy.
  • Labor signs:  Zero.
  • Symptoms:  A little heartburn here and there, abdominal tweaks as the baby tries to permanently ruin my abs (sorry, little one. i didn’t let your sisters do that, and i won’t let you either), occasional downward pressure when I stand up, my hair is definitely shedding less and less when I brush it, more aches and pains in my pelvic and hip joints, and my back hurts often. Guess it’s all that weight I’m gaining.
  • Belly button in or out?  Out on one side, so I’m sure it will go the full monty again since it did with Lana. This is exactly how it started with her.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  Going to Arizona in 2 weeks! I just really hope it’s sunny and warm for the week we’re there, because usually the temperature drops 30 degrees and it starts snowing as soon as I arrive. I am not even making that up. I’m going to test out the new bag as a carry-on for the trip, too, so I’m crossing everything that all the seams hold and the handles don’t fall off as soon as I load it up with stuff for the plane.

Picture time. First I’ll show off my masterpiece of a bag so you can all marvel at my incredible talent. And no, I will not make you one. This thing was not exactly fun to make. But I love it, so hopefully all the work was worth it once I actually start using it. I used all indoor/outdoor fabric so it’s water and stain resistant, and I sprayed the orange interior fabric with Scotch Guard since it was the only non-patio furniture fabric I got. I wouldn’t throw this bag in the laundry, so my hope is that using that kind of material will allow any spills to just be wiped out. I’ve never thrown any bag in the washing machine, though, so I’m not worried about having to start now.



Ta da! Pretty good, eh? It’s kind of hard to tell, but I put a number of elastic pockets on the interior front side of the bag and non-elastic ones on the interior back side. I even got a couple bottles out, the girls’ cups, a diaper, a wipes holder, and one of my cups to measure the sizes for the pockets. Genius, I tell you.

Now for my gigantic self portrait. I have no idea how I managed to look so much better when pregnant with Lana than I did with either of these other 2 (Della left, #3 right), but I did. And I’m kind of jealous of my Lana-pregnant self. Oh well. Nothing to do about that now except try not to gain another 75 pounds before June 10. Or whenever the birth date will be. I think it’s going to be June 4. I like Della messing around in the background of the Lana shot.


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