21 weeks

Weekly update time.

  • How far along?  21 weeks
  • Total weight gain:  ??? I’ll tell you at the end, which will be the next time I actually step on my own scale. Doing things a little differently this time around.
  • Maternity clothes?  One of my pairs of maternity jeans finally somewhat fits, yippee! I’m not confined to wearing strictly yoga pants all winter! I actually ordered 1 more pair of maternity jeans the other day, because going through an entire winter and spring in the largest stages of a pregnancy with only 2 pairs of actual pants to wear was just an annoying thought. The other pair of maternity jeans I already have is still too big, so hopefully the new ones will fit as soon as they arrive. And no maternity tops. One good thing about being pregnant in winter is since it’s cold, I can cover up in all my big sweatshirts and sweaters and not worry about finding shirts to fit.
  • Stretch marks?  Nope, not yet. And the third time around better not be when those suckers rear their ugly heads, either.
  • Sleep:  So far pretty good.
  • Best moment this week:  Wearing jeans again.
  • Miss anything?  Nothing right now really.
  • Movement:  Yes, since 1 day before week 15. That’s the earliest of all 3 – D was 20 weeks and L was around 16 weeks.
  • Cravings:  Jimmy John’s subs. I had a couple pieces of one at a family party last weekend, and it was simply delectable. Yes, I just used “delectable” to describe a sub sandwich. It really was. And now I can’t stop wanting them.
  • Aversions:  Now that the first trimester is over, again, not really anything. Those first couple weeks, though, wow – life in general was an aversion of mine. Scents are still stronger than normal, but nothing like when I was pregnant with D and my entire sense of smell got turned upside down.
  • Gender:  Did not find out. I had my first delivery dream the other night, though, and it was a girl, so that means we’re definitely having a boy.
  • Labor signs:  Zero.
  • Symptoms:  A little heartburn here and there, abdominal pressure (confirmed normal with the doc since everything is trying to bust out through my abs), my hair is definitely shedding less and less when I brush it, and I’ve started noticing more aches and pains in my pelvic joints and lower back. Oh, and I’m gaining a child’s worth of weight.
  • Belly button in or out?  Still in, thankfully. I’ve noticed it’s beginning to go out, though, so I’m sure it will go the full monty again since it did with Lana.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  The spa day I booked for myself at the Kohler Waters Spa in a couple months. I have a bunch of gift cards for it, so I’m getting a maternity massage and pedicure. I can’t wait!

And I finally have another picture from my pregnancy with Della this week. So we’re back to Della on the left, Lana in the middle, #3 on the right. Looking the same? Different? I think my butt has outgrown my belly so far, yet again. I finally cleaned off that bench next to the desk today, too. You’re welcome.



One Reply to “21 weeks”

  1. So, Scoot, do I bring a bag of Avanti’s gondolas on Sat., or would you prefer getting Jimmy John’s once I arrive, assuming there’s one open nearby?

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