19 weeks

These posts are probably pretty boring for most, but for any of you out there who are following along to this tale of Baby #3, here’s my 19 week update.

  • How far along?  19 weeks
  • Total weight gain:  I’m actually not going to play this game anymore. I’ll weigh myself the day I go to the hospital to deliver to see what my total weight gain for the whole pregnancy is, but I don’t think I’ll hop on the scale anymore between now and then. Just like with my first 2 pregnancies, I gained a whole boatload of weight in the first trimester, more than what I’d say is considered “normal,” and now that my nausea and extreme need for food is over it’s all leveled off. Plus I’ve gotten back into exercising and am trying to get my pregnancy workout DVD in 2-3 times per week, so that definitely helps. I feel good, and I just want to try to stay healthy and in good shape for when the time comes for 1 more delivery. Because no matter how short it may last (hopefully!!), that shit is full-body intense!
  • Maternity clothes?  Not quite yet. All of my regular jeans and non-stretchy pants are officially done, but both pairs of maternity jeans are still too big. So yoga pants it is for a while. And no maternity tops. One good thing about being pregnant in winter is since it’s cold, I can cover up in all my big sweatshirts and sweaters and not worry about finding shirts to fit.
  • Stretch marks?  Nope, not yet. And the third time around better not be when those suckers rear their ugly heads, either.
  • Sleep:  So far pretty good.
  • Best moment this week:  Hmm. We might finally get rid of our truck for a “new” one later today, so fingers crossed there that everything actually works out. For once. And I had my next prenatal appointment today and all was well – strong heartbeat and my quad screening blood work all came back normal.
  • Miss anything?  Nothing right now really. Sushi does sound good, though.
  • Movement:  Yes, since 1 day before week 15. That’s the earliest of all 3 – D was 20 weeks and L was around 16 weeks.
  • Cravings:  Not really, but I have eaten a lot of pickles during this pregnancy. That’s not super odd, though, since I’ve always liked pickles.
  • Aversions:  Now that the first trimester is over, again, not really anything. Those first couple weeks, though, wow – life in general was an aversion of mine. Scents are still stronger than normal, but nothing like when I was pregnant with D and my entire sense of smell got turned upside down.
  • Gender:  Not finding out.
  • Labor signs:  Zero.
  • Symptoms:  A little heartburn here and there, outward abdominal pressure (confirmed normal with the doc today since everything is trying to bust out through my abs), and my hair is definitely shedding less and less when I brush it. Oh, and I’m gaining a child’s worth of weight.
  • Belly button in or out?  Still in, thankfully. I’m sure it’ll go out, though, since it did with Lana.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  Talk about a loaded question! Where do I begin? Oh, but you mean baby related? Seeing as it’s still fairly early, not too much yet. We have way too much to do here at home before I really start concentrating on meeting #3. I do have the anatomy scan ultrasound next week, though, so that’ll be cool.

I don’t have a 19 week picture from my pregnancy with Della, so here is this week’s comparison between #3 on the right and Lana on the left. Aren’t you excited that you get a new view this time? Our front door is just beautiful. Maybe one of these weeks I’ll actually clean up all that crap on the front bench for you.

PicMonkey Collage

Until next week…