Sweet baby girl

You rustle around your crib, pop up, and say, “Hi!”

Your day begins as the sun kisses the sky.

“Milk, milk,” you exclaim, your tiny hand signing as well.

What magic will this day bring? It’s so very hard to tell.

Those giant blue eyes and hair every which way,

Little puffs of baby breath are a sweet start to my day.

Running, chasing, just exploring it all;

Your play doesn’t even skip a beat when you tumble or fall.

You laugh, you cry, you’re amazingly wild.

You’re loud, you’re enchanting, my beautiful second child.

A green monkey and your thumb keep you safe the day through;

May you always know how you’re cherished and how boundless my love is for you.

Come day’s end I see sleep creeping, no longer you twirl.

How deeply I adore you. Good night, sweet baby girl.






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