10 month stats

Lana turned 10 months old 2 weeks ago tomorrow. Gheesh, can you tell I’m way behind on my blogging this summer?


Let’s see what’s changed since last month’s update, shall we?


She crawls everywhere, and as fast as possible. The army crawl/belly flop has now been left completely in the past, and when she really gets moving she puts her head down and barrels forward like a little bulldog. She chases Della around the house like crazy (or Della crawls with her a lot too), or chases us down and tries to climb our pant legs when she doesn’t want to be put down on the floor.


She pulls herself up on everything and walks in between and around furniture like nobody’s business. Her standing alone ability is improving too, but so far those real first steps all by herself haven’t happened yet. But seeing how far she’s come in her standing since last month, I’m sure walking is somewhere in the near future.


She eats basically all of her meals by herself now. I love it! Feeding an infant baby food is not one of my favorite activities, so now that she can feed herself, it makes my job at meal times so much easier. We only have 4 cups of frozen pureed sweet potatoes left, then it’s goodbye baby food. Hooray! Fortunately she’s loved everything she’s eaten so far too – hard boiled eggs, cheese, toast, cereal, cantaloupe, black beans, peas, mixed veggies, crackers, pasta (loves mac and cheese!), blueberries and strawberries (halved or quartered, don’t worry), bananas… I’m sure I’ve forgotten something she’s had to this point, but you get the picture. She’s a great eater. She has begun drinking water from a sippy cup, too, which is nice for after meals.


Sleeping is still going wonderfully, thank heavens. She drinks her bottle before bed (we make an 8 oz. one and she usually drinks most of it), we give everyone goodnight kisses, then she goes down awake with her green monkey and nightlight on. Works like a charm. I really cannot stress enough how much this bedtime routine has saved our sanity. We were just talking about how terrible her sleeping was a few months ago the other day, and it truly has been a 180 degree change since then. I didn’t think in my wildest dreams I’d ever say this, but yay for formula! I think she’s officially down to 2 naps now, too – a mid-late morning one and an afternoon one when Della naps.


Her little “words” are still hysterical, with lots of “da-da” sounds. I can’t tell if she’s just jabbering or really trying to say “Dada” or “Della”. We shall see. She is also great at saying “Hi” and waving, so I’m calling that her official first word. She knows how to put things up to her ear and say hi too, like she’s talking on the telephone. It’s really good!

Like last month, she wears size 3 diapers in the daytime, 4 in overnights, and pretty much all size 12 month clothes. She has 8 teeth now, 4 on top and 4 on the bottom, and you can see the big white outlines of where her top incisors are going to come down too. It looks crazy. One of my sisters dubbed her “SpongeBob” with her 2 big front teeth coming in and her giant blue eyes, and I actually think it’s a pretty fitting moniker.


Sorry, I’m getting kind of lazy with these monthly collages, but they’re a pain to piece together. Maybe I’ll get ambitious and actually make next month’s the right way.

10 months collage

And of course the finale, the Della/Lana comparison photo, with Della’s 10 month stats post here if you’d like to compare that way as well.