8 month stats

Lana turned 8 months old last Friday, and this has definitely been one of her best months yet. Why, you ask…




I gave that its own line because I can NOT stress enough how significant this fact is. You may recall from her 7 month post how I lamented the dire state into which her nighttime sleeping had fallen. Waking 2, sometimes 3, times a night, with nursing often being the only thing that would get her back to sleep. I was seriously about to lose my mind. Again.

Well at that sick checkup she had the day after her 7 month birthday, I told her pediatrician about this and she was really surprised. I was happy that she found it odd too, and I wasn’t just being a crazy sleep-deprived mother. So we decided to wean Lana off breast milk and nursing all together and switch to formula. I was very ready to be done breastfeeding this time anyway, so I was totally fine with this plan of action.

It worked. Plain and simple, I’m convinced this is why she now sleeps as well as she does. It took about a week to get her drinking all formula and no breast milk, which was much faster than I thought it would be. I was very hopeful she’d be fully weaned by the time we undertook our massive road trip to Colorado almost 2 weeks ago now, and she beat that time frame by a mile.

So now at bedtime she takes a 7-8 oz. bottle, gets a good burp out, I have her give everyone a goodnight “kiss”, then I put her to bed in her crib awake with her big green monkey. She rolls over, puts her little thumb in her mouth, hugs her monkey tight, and that’s that for the night. Sometimes she’ll cry out a little as I’m putting her down, but that usually subsides within just a few minutes. I keep a night light on for her, and for 2 solid weeks now she hasn’t awoken once to eat in the middle of the night. In fact, I’ve only had to actually get her out of her crib one time in that span to calm her, and it was almost dawn so I just put her in bed with me and she went right back to sleep.

This is a HUGE breakthrough! We’re finally getting some sleep, and within the past couple days I’ve even stopped making a small bottle to keep in the fridge overnight just in case she wakes. The putting her to bed awake too is new, which I started when we switched to formula. Having to bounce her to sleep in my arms for a good hour every night after her bedtime nursing, then worrying that she would wake up when I put her in her crib was getting mind-blowingly annoying.

I hope I’m not jinxing us by putting this out into the universe, but I think we now have a baby girl who sleeps through the night!! If you have any confetti and noisemakers, please feel free to throw it and use them at this point in the story.


Her naps are still good, as they have been for awhile. Most days consist of a morning, afternoon, and evening nap, unless I’m at work. Then it’s usually just an afternoon and evening nap. There’s just way too much going on in the kids room to doze. She’s got stuff to see!

So other than sleeping, let’s see here… She’s now up to 2 full meals of solids daily, lunch and dinner. We’ve been out of cereal for awhile, so right now it’s all fruits and veggies, but I just got a tub of steel cut oats to make her some more oatmeal. So far I’ve made her oatmeal, sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, pears, and bananas, and she’s had a couple other fruits and veggies in store-bought baby food when we were traveling. She also gets whole milk yogurt and applesauce. I was going to do apples too, then remembered from making them for Della that the time and effort required to bake, peel, and sufficiently mash up apples results in one simple thing – applesauce. Buy it. Just get the all-natural kind without high fructose corn syrup. She’s seemed to love everything to this point, too, which is great. I give her a little water from a bottle after each meal. Then she takes 3-4 bottles of formula each day, depending on what time she gets up in the morning.


She’s more active than ever, and no, I no longer leave her unattended on top of anything. She has added to her army crawl of a few weeks ago, and now gets completely up on all fours and rocks back and forth. I’ve been saying it for weeks now, but she really is about to crawl any day. And I have a feeling standing then walking will not be far behind. Just today at work the girls said they left Lana sitting in her highchair after lunch because she’s so fast moving around the room. Yes, yes she is. This is a girl on the move!


Blowing raspberries is her new favorite thing. I know I mentioned she did that last month, but it is now in full effect. Throughout our entire road trip the past week and a half we heard endless strings of baby spit coming from the backseat. It’s rather hysterical, because you simply can’t help but smile.


She also likes to play monkey-see monkey-do with her big sister. The girls sit next to each other at meals, and the other week I heard Lana imitating Della’s coughs. D would cough, then L would look over, watch her, smile, and do her own little fake cough. These 2 crack me up. Most of the time.


She has 2 teeth now, right in the middle of her bottom row. I thought I saw the very tip of the top right one poking through on her 8 month birthday, but I haven’t been able to get a good enough look to confirm or refute that. Every time I try to lift her lip to get a good look the little dragon squirms away. We’ll find out for sure soon enough.

Definitely able to sit now. She still doesn’t get up into a sitting position from her stomach or back yet, but if you sit her down she’ll stay there for a long time now. She can also pull herself back to a sitting position if she starts leaning in one direction or another. Her favorite move is to tip forward into “crawl” mode from a sitting position and take off across the room after a toy, Della, a bug, whatever happens to catch her eye.


Umm, I think that’s about it. The posterity stats – size 3 diapers and size 4 overnights (in Seventh Generation. other brands she can still fit into size 2 and size 3 overnights); mostly sizes 9-12 months for clothes, although a few 6 month things still fit; and we’ve been done with drool bibs for awhile. Her official growth stats will come next month after her 9 month well check.

I probably say it every month, but she really does get more and more fun every day. Especially now that I’m regaining sanity from actually getting some sleep! My little blue-eyed beauty.

8 mos collage

And finally, the Della/Lana 8 month comparison…

D L 8

Friday Funk

Ok, 2 things today…

Last week I got a total “Mama Fails” award. The event I had been fearing and dreading finally happened. Lana fell off the changing dresser. Ugh!

I knew this was going to happen since she is now so squirmy and rolly when you put her up there, so I can’t believe I actually thought I was going to get away with what I did. I put her on there after she woke up that morning (i think it was tuesday last week. or maybe wednesday) to take her out of her sleep sack and change her diaper. And with “don’t walk away and leave her there alone” ringing in my head, I turned and walked over to the window to open the shades. I slid one side opened, checked to make sure she was still staying put, turned back to open the other side, and that’s when it happened.

Rustle, rustle, THUD!!

Oh my god, I about died. I turned around when I heard the rustling and saw her mid-fall, then landing smack on the hardwood floor. The poor thing sounded like a melon dropping onto the ground, and I almost threw up when it happened. Seeing her little body, still zipped up in her jammie sack heading face-first toward the floor was mortifying. I tried to reach out to stop her, but I was too far away.

I seriously wanted to cry. She rolled off the changing mat from her back, so that’s why she was falling face-first, but she must have been continuing the roll during the fall, because when I got to her she was on her back. But holy shit, that sound when she landed… I think it’s going to haunt me forever. It was this solid thud that reverberated to my core. And hers, obviously.

She started screaming instantly, and unfortunately so did Della, because she was standing right there with us. D said she was so upset because one of her Fruit Loops had gone under the dresser from which Lana had just fallen, which it had, but I know Lana’s fall scared the crap out of her too. These girls love each other to no end, and they get upset when the other does too.

I scooped her right up, not even considering the fact that that may not have been the smartest thing to do, and just held her as close as I could to try and calm her. She bawled for a good 5 minutes, but eventually I got both of them calmed down so we could get on with our morning.

I was terrified that I had given her a concussion or brain damage or something, so of course I looked up signs of a concussion in infants immediately. Thankfully her instant screaming was a good sign – she never lost consciousness, not even for a split second. Also, she had no bleeding out of any orifice, and she had only the tiniest bump on one side of her head that disappeared within the hour. I did speak with a nurse at her pediatrician’s office, and she confirmed that the fact that she cried immediately, had no bleeding or vomiting, had eaten fine since the fall, and was up and playing as usual were all great signs that nothing was wrong. She even said Lana was fine to take her morning nap, since she was getting sleepy by that point.

The nurse said the first 2 hours after an accident are the most critical time to watch out for any signs of trauma, and fortunately Lana exhibited none. I cannot even express how relieved I was. I still felt like the worst mother on Earth for allowing the fall to happen in the first place, but knowing that I hadn’t permanently and severely damaged my baby did help me breathe a little easier for the rest of that day.

So a word of advice – as soon as your baby starts moving, do NOT leave him/her on top of high places. I know that is the most obvious advice ever, but I just kept pushing and pushing my toe over that line figuring I’d never actually let it go so far that she would fall, but obviously I pushed it too far. If you’re worried that they’re going to fall, they probably will. So just keep them safe. I don’t want anyone else to ever have to hear that noise of their child crashing onto the floor from 3 feet up.

But on a happier note, I’m going out for a girls night tonight! Yippee!! I can’t wait. It’s Downtown Dining Week right now here in Milwaukee, so we’re trying out one of the restaurants on that list. It will be so much fun catching up with my girlfriends and having a few delicious cocktails on a nice spring night.

Have a great weekend, everyone! See you next week.


Travel + Kids = ?!

Just in time for summer, I’m very happy to welcome another guest poster! Kendra Thornton is a travel expert and mother of 3, so I will certainly heed her advice with our own 2 tinies on 2 major road trips this summer. Here’s a little intro from Kendra herself:

Bio: Kendra Thornton: Travel advocate, TV spokesperson, PR businesswoman, proud wife and mama of 3. I am a long time travel expert who has been packing my bags and traveling the world since I was 3 months old! I’ve found my utmost desire in life is right here in my own home. I have taken my excitement for travel and brought it to you with some of my favorite travel tips and tricks. Enjoy!

And now the main event…

Traveling with Kids: Advice from a Fellow Mom

Summer is right around the corner. What better way to enjoy it than by vacationing together as a family? Traveling with kids can be challenging, but it’s a lot of fun too. The trick to having the best time is to prepare as fully as possible. By laying the right groundwork beforehand, you’ll be able to enjoy a worry-free, fun-filled family vacation.

Family Globe

photo credit

Try Audio Books – Family vacations go a lot more smoothly when kids are occupied while getting from point A to point B. When it comes to keeping little ones entertained, variety is key. Download a few audio books for your smartphone, tablet or other device and have them ready to go. Make sure to pack spare headphones as well. If possible, download audio books onto a few different devices to reduce the risk of backseat squabbling.

Focus on Family Friendly Places – All too often, people focus exclusively on price when booking stays for family vacations. Many destinations have a variety of family friendly hotels and resorts, so be on the lookout for them. Whether you’re planning a trip in the mountains or in a beach resort area, you should be able to find a place that offers something for every member of the family. Many properties have spas and golf courses for adults and kids’ clubs, playgrounds and activities for children. When my family chose Hawaii as our vacation destination, we knew family friendly was crucial to avoid those catering to the honeymooners.  Our resort was minutes from Waikiki and also provided plenty of on site activities for the kids on days we didn’t make it to the beach.  Research and referrals helped us find our family’s perfect Honolulu hotel.

Pack Extra Bags – Like most moms, you probably have a stockpile of plastic shopping bags. Keep some in your luggage to make packing for your journey home easier. Reusable shopping bags or large Ziploc bags work too. Any style can be used for everything from dirty clothes to wet bathing suits. Upon arriving home, such items can be dumped right into washing machines.

Spice Up Your Tour – From the Grand Canyon to The Liberty Bell, there are a host of vacation destinations that would be best explored with a guide.  However, museums and historical tours can be a drag for kids.  Instead of losing out on cities rich with culture, look into tours and guides that are geared toward families.  Resources like Urban Adventure Quest turn the mundane into the extraordinary with scavenger hunts through 22 of America’s cities.  This downloadable app is perfect for a range of ages.  Try rewarding your little ones with a prize or sweet treat at the end of your quest.

Book an Early Flight – You may shudder at the idea of having to be at the airport at the crack of dawn, but isn’t it better than dealing with delays? The later your flight is, the more likely it is to be backed up from runway congestion. Select an early flight for the trip home as well. Plan on having an early night the evening before your trip ends. By avoiding long waits at the airport, your vacation should end on a positive note.


Thank you so much, Kendra! I hope you all have enjoyed her words as much as I’ve enjoyed having her here. Now let’s take our little munchkins out to see the world!