Lana turned 7 months old on Tuesday. Slow down!

We don’t have another well check until 9 months, so no official measurements again this time. However, I do know her weight is 16 lbs. 9.75 oz., because she had her first sick trip to the doctor last night. But let’s see what’s changed since last month with this latest update.

Let’s start with sleep. It’s been nonexistent lately. I have no idea why, but Lana has apparently forgotten everything she learned about sleeping through the night. She’s done it maybe twice in the past month plus. Why? What’s going on in there? Growing, teething, just too busy to sleep? I don’t know what the issue is, but I sure hope it corrects itself soon.
I have tried to cut out all feedings during the night, but sometimes she just can’t be soothed back to sleep, so nursing is my last resort. I know she needs to relearn how to put herself back to sleep, but I can only take so much high pitched screeching in the middle of the night, let alone the other sleepers in the house. I am so ready to get her crib out of our room, too.
Fortunately her naps are still pretty good. I’ve noticed a few times she strays from her solid 3-nap-a-day schedule and takes a longer late morning nap paired with a longer late afternoon nap, so maybe she’s starting to transition from 3 naps down to 2. Most days, though, she still gets in all 3.

Eating. I started her on a meal of solids for dinner shortly after 6 months, and just this week I added a second meal of food in there. So now she gets some baby cereal for lunch and sweet potatoes for dinner, with some more cereal if she’s hungry enough. Right now it’s just sweet potatoes because that’s all I’ve made so far, but she also has eaten and loved baby food pears and apples. I mashed up some banana for her the other night, but she didn’t like it at all. So I think I’m going to bake and mash some apples for her, then maybe try throwing in some green veggies after that.
I keep meaning to look for a baby food cereal that I can make with oatmeal, too, because we have a ton of it in the house and it has to be cheaper than buying box after box of baby cereal. So she’s up to 2 meals of solids a day (sitting in the highchair even!) and down to roughly 4 milk feedings a day, either nursing or from a bottle at work.

Movement. This kid is all over the place! She’s been rolling for a couple months now, and that has been her major mode of transportation thus far. She can roll and spin to get to anything, and just the other day I saw her pull herself along with her hands too. So now that she’s added that weapon to the arsenal, she can seriously get around the house.
We definitely cannot leave her on top of anything anymore – changing table, Della’s bed, even our bed. The other day I went into the bathroom, and when I came back she had moved all the way from the dead center of our king sized bed and had 1 leg hanging off the edge. Yikes!
She isn’t crawling yet, but it has to be soon. She will plant 1 foot and 1 knee, but she hasn’t been able to get up on her hands while in that stance yet. She still keeps her head down, but a few days ago I saw her trying to figure that part out. She also rocks back and forth when she’s on her stomach and pushed up on her arms, which is so cute. It’s like she’s dancing, because she does it all over the place.

She still loves being in the jumperoo, and has been able to spin herself all the way around in the seat for a while now. She’s not a big fan of the playpen, but sometimes she’ll stay in there for a little chunk of time playing with all her toys. Thankfully she loves our new jogging stroller. I have taken her and Della for a ton of rides in it now, and I’ll also buckle Lana in there alone if I need to be outside and she’s not napping. She’ll happily chew on her toys and watch the outdoors for hours.
Personality. Getting bigger by the day still. She talks constantly, and her little strings of baby gibberish are simply divine. She blows raspberries all the time, and her belly laughs are the best. When Della tickles her or makes her laugh, she lets out the loudest chuckles, which warm my heart to hear. She still doesn’t like to be ignored and will let you know it, but her smiles far outnumber those squeals now.
She finally got her first tooth! It just broke through 1 week ago, and I’ve been waiting for this one for quite some time. Della got her first tooth at about 5.5 months, so we’ve been on high alert. Especially since Lana has been such a drooling fool for months now. At first I thought it was bugging her quite a bit, but now I don’t really think so. I think that’s just her normal persona shining through, ha!
She sits pretty well assisted, but still can’t sit on her own yet. She sure tries, though. One of her favorite moves is to try and pull herself up to a sitting position when she’s lying down or when you lay her down on something. She’s going to have abs of steel by age 9 months! Her thumb is still her best friend, which is great for me. I can tell she’s not really waking up in the night when I hear her little plug going in her mouth.

Now for the monthly collage. She’s really starting to grow, and I even brought down all of Della’s old 12 month summer clothes the other day. Lana easily fits into all the 6-9 month stuff, and some 12 month things are even close to fitting. So fortunately it doesn’t look like I’ll have to buy a whole new summer wardrobe for her. And just for posterity, she wears size 2 diapers.

Here’s our 7 month comparison too – Della on the left, Lana on the right. These are some seriously cute kids, eh? Didn’t Della look like a little doll? Weird.

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