6 weeks

Lana turned 6 weeks old yesterday, and I thought I’d give you a peek into how I’m doing 6 weeks postpartum.

  • Weight:  Down 30 lbs. so far. I started at 149.5, gained 36 lbs. to 185.5, and was back down to 155.5 yesterday morning. So 6 more lbs. to go until I reach my prepregnancy weight. I’m in no rush. It’ll come off when it comes off. So far I think breastfeeding has been responsible for 100% of the weight loss.
  • Activity:  I haven’t gotten back to any sort of formal exercise. I’ve taken the girls on a couple walks with Della in the stroller and Lana in a carrier, but unfortunately it’s a colder season than when D was born when I was able to take her on a good hour walk almost every day. My walking speed has gotten back to normal, though. The first walk we took 5 days after Lana was born was slightly excruciating. I forgot how slowly I had to go. But now everything is fine and I can cruise as before. I did try to rake the front yard really quickly last week before the leaf truck came, and I was definitely more tired/weak than I expected to be by the end of that. My cardio endurance is obviously not back in shape. Fortunately I think my ability to go to the gym once a week with my trainer until almost the very end of this pregnancy helped me keep strength up better than I did when I was pregnant with D, because muscle-wise I feel a lot stronger than I did after she was born.
  • Sleep:  Lana is creeping closer to only waking up once a night, which helps me a ton. On her long sleep nights she’ll go to bed around 9:30, sleep until 4-4:30, then sleep again until 7-8 usually. That is much better than waking at 2ish and 5ish, as she had been doing once she dropped that 11ish wake up as well. She still does have 2 wake up nights, but thankfully they are becoming fewer and farther between. I just need to work on going to bed when she does instead of staying up an hour or two later. That time at night when they’re both asleep and silent is just so nice, though… And fortunately my carpal tunnel syndrome is gone, so I don’t wake up in misery and have to shake my arms out anymore. The night time pain disappeared almost immediately after delivery, but the weird nerve twinges and numbness lasted for a couple weeks. I’ve just noticed recently that those seem to finally be gone as well.
  • Sanity:  Not too bad. Once I survived the first week at home alone with the 2 of them, I felt much more confident in my ability to keep all of us alive. Each day gets a little easier, too, as I get more and more used to this routine. It sucks that the weather will be cold soon though, since D won’t be able to get outside to play. Not that we’re outdoors running around for hours on end each day or anything, but when it’s nice I try to take them on a walk to the store or to the park or play outside with her in her playhouse or just let her run around the yard for a while. Hopefully I don’t go stir crazy this winter when we’re cooped up inside constantly. I’m terrible with arts and crafts, too, so I need to work on filling our mornings with some sort of activity so she doesn’t just plop down in front of the TV or computer.

So that’s about it. We’re all still alive, clothed, and fed, so I’m calling that a win. I haven’t totally lost my shit yet either, which is encouraging since we’re potty training D right now too and L doesn’t like to be put down. So she just spends a lot of time in the bathroom with us.

I don’t have my official 6 week checkup for another almost week and a half, but I don’t think she’ll find any complications or anything. The bleeding and general goo exodus ended at 5 weeks, just as it did after D, and I’ve felt really good since Lana checked out of the womb hotel.

And I know how much you miss looking at my belly, so here’s a triple comparison shot. Left is the first pregnancy picture I took this time (4 weeks and change i think), middle is the day before L was born (39 weeks exactly), and right is me yesterday (6 weeks postpartum, same pants as the 1st pic for comparison). Enjoy!




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