So you know how I mentioned that I’ve developed carpal tunnel syndrome in my right arm these past couple weeks? Yeah, it can kiss my @$*!
Last night it got so bad I finally had to get out of bed at 4am and move onto one of the recliner ends of the couch in the living room. I thought a little elevation in my upper body would help the fluid stop pooling in my wrist/arm/hand. Ha! Apparently that was far too logical a thought to have for this body.
It was a little better for a few minutes, then the pain just started right up again. It was like someone was twisting a knife in the middle of my hand, with the stabbing pain shooting into my fingers and up to my elbow. So that was fun.
Finally, sometime shortly before I needed to get up this morning to take Ryan to work, I put the recliner all the way up so I was in a full sitting position with my legs out, arm still resting on pillows next to me, and that seemed to do the trick. Unfortunately I ended up getting about 3 seconds of sleep in those last 2+ hours of the night.
You’re really preparing me for those middle of the night feedings, aren’t you, kid?
Don’t get me wrong – I have thoroughly enjoyed this pregnancy again and really, REALLY want this baby to stay in there for at least another week (2 would be the best, 10 days would be better, but i’ll settle for a week so we’re back from peoria), but man oh man. This arm thing is miserable.
So if you see me walking around looking like a newborn-mother-zombie already, blame my arm. Or if you see me walking around looking totally well-rested but minus my right hand and forearm, you’ll know I finally had to take some drastic measures to get these last few precious weeks of sleep.
The good news is that the Carpal Tunnel goes away almost instantly! Mine was gone, at most, a day after delivering. Hang in there!!
That is great to hear!! My doctor said it should subside markedly within a week or 2 and be gone completely by 6 weeks postpartum, but I want it gone NOW! 🙂
Have you tried a wrist brace? It helps sometimes. Sorry you are so uncomfortable! 🙁
Claire recently posted..Fashion Friday: It’s Not Fall in Texas Edition
I haven’t yet, but last night I did try an Ace bandage. It did nothing – woke up at 3:30 and just took the dumb thing off. I really can’t wait for this symptom to go away!