My first. My only, just once more

You are my first, sweet baby girl.

These past two years you’ve been my world.

From the moment we met you, your love filled my heart.

Our lives were for you, right from the start.

Watching you grow and learn and play

has brought joy and laughter to every day.

You’re beautiful, smart, funny, and kind.

I feel so incredibly lucky to know that you’re mine.

No longer a baby, you’re growing so fast.

I know these days of just you and me aren’t going to last.

We rock before bedtime, getting you ready for sleep;

If I could, in my arms I would forever you keep.

But my lap is getting smaller as I nestle you on the side.

Don’t worry, though, peanut, my love for you I’ll never hide.

Tonight you hugged my hand as I laid you in bed,

And I almost started crying as I kissed your little head.

What will it be like when you’re not the only one?

I promise to do all I can to make sure you still have fun.

I know the best big sister you’ll be;

This new little boy or girl is as lucky as can be.

I love you, Della, all the way to my core.

You, my first and my only, just a little while more.