One little monkey jumping on the bed

Let’s hope she doesn’t fall off and bump her head…

It’s official – Della is in a big girl bed. We got her a twin bed this past weekend, and so far she’s doing great in it. She did sleep in a twin bed the whole time we were in Canada a few weeks ago and didn’t have any issues at all, so I was hopeful that would just carry over to this one as well. So far, so good (knock on wood!).

Speaking of Canada, I just realized I still owe you pictures from that trip. Oops! Sorry, hang tight for those.

But back to the bed. We opted to go for a full-on twin instead of a toddler bed, because she’ll need one this size eventually anyway, so why waste money on 2 beds? Her crib did convert to a toddler bed, but we need it in crib form for #2 here in a few weeks.

So D is now in her big bed in her room, the crib is set up in our room for the baby, and we’ll put the 2 kids together as soon as the baby sleeps through the night so he/she doesn’t disturb D all the time. She slept through the night by 2-3 months old, so hopefully this one will figure that out fairly quickly as well.

D was a little confused when she saw the crib in our bedroom for the first time, though. “No, mize,” she kept saying, which translates into “no, mine.” Fortunately there’s been no issue since, so hopefully it stays that way. It’s still so funny seeing our little peanut all curled up in a big bed. She doesn’t like to get under the covers, so we just put her blankets on top of her as she lies on top of her new owl comforter. Fine by me, though – fewer sheets I have to wash.

saying night-night to all the decals on her wall. a bedtime must…

 Sweet dreams, peanut!