Friday Funk – 31 weeks

Seriously, this whole being past 30 weeks thing is really freaking me out. We have done NOTHING to get ready for Dv2.0 yet. I foresee lots of loads of little tiny laundry in my future…

  • How far along?  31 weeks, 6 days
  • Total weight gain:  28 lbs. as of Tuesday morning. I had my next doctor appointment that day and wanted to compare my scale to theirs, even though I know they’re always very different. Again, I’ll stick with my scale. But that’s up half a pound since last week. I’m only 5 lbs. away from my total gain with Della, so we’ll see how far I go past it with this one.
  • Maternity clothes?  Bottoms – definitely. Tops – some, but I find I can still wear most of my regular shirts too, which is nice. And lots of dresses and skirts.
  • Stretch marks?  Thankfully, no. I didn’t get any from D, so hopefully Dv2.0 doesn’t give me any either.
  • Sleep:  Pretty shitty. Rolling over is getting to be a process, and I’m always just sore all over when I wake up. Getting up to pee is basically a nightly thing now too, so that’s always an interruption. Plus D’s been waking up in the night now, so there’s that to contend with as well.
  • Best moment this week:  Hmm… Buffett concert was awesome, and so was hearing Dv2.0’s heartbeat again. So we’ll go with those.
  • Miss anything?  Beer, especially this summer. And a good, solid night’s sleep.
  • Movement:  Yes, since about week 16 I believe. Kicks are pretty low, which I’ve heard signals there’s a boy in there. They are, however, starting to move higher – I’ve noticed the top of my belly getting kicked now too. Must be a long kid in there. I think they’re getting stronger as well.
  • Cravings:  In general, no, but when I get really hungry I want protein – meat, cheese, etc.
  • Aversions:  Food, no. Smells, not nearly as bad as last time, fortunately. I just get sick of scents quickly and have to get rid of them completely.
  • Gender:  Not finding out.
  • Labor signs:  No. Wait, are Braxton Hicks contractions considered a labor sign? If so, then yes, I’ve started having those (see below).
  • Symptoms:  Daily heartburn (yes, it switched to daily from nightly. awesome. and sometimes i can feel it come on as soon as i take a bite of something. hooray), SI pain (constant now, which sucks), my hair isn’t shedding much when I wash/brush it, and I have some serious pregnancy brain. My stomach muscles have stopped tweaking as much, though, when I try to use my abs, so I’m just assuming that means they’ve gotten totally worn out. And the Braxton Hicks have arrived. I started feeling my lower abdomen tighten (painlessly) every once in a while within the past couple weeks, and my doctor confirmed those are the BH again.
  • Belly button in or out?  Starting to bulge a little, but not out. Never went fully out with D, just a little crooked.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  VACATION!!!! That’s right, we’re off again this afternoon for a good solid week, coming home next Saturday. We’re going to a remote wilderness area in Canada, so I won’t be around here for awhile. Miss me you will, but I’ll be back with some good pictures, as usual.

Sorry, no comparison again this week. Don’t worry, though, they’ll come back when I do – after vacation!! Have a great week next week. Hasta luego.