Friday Funk – 29 weeks

So tomorrow marks 30 weeks into this pregnancy. WHAT?!?!?! How did that get here so fast?! For as awful as I felt during the first trimester and wished it away every day (i mean that it would go by faster, not that i didn’t want the pregnancy), the second trimester just up and vanished on me. And now we have, in all likelihood, less than 10 weeks to go until Dv2.0 arrives (i’m guessing this one will come early, just like d did)? Wow.

I was, however, very pleasantly surprised that for my 29 week picture I was able to wear an entirely non-maternity outfit. Excellent! I thought those shorts were goners weeks ago, but I actually managed to wear them again quite comfortably.

  • How far along?  29 weeks, 6 days
  • Total weight gain:  24.5 lbs. as of yesterday morning. That’s down 1 lb. from the week before, but why, I have no idea.
  • Maternity clothes?  Bottoms – definitely. Tops – some, but I find I can still wear most of my regular shirts too, which is nice. And lots of dresses and skirts.
  • Stretch marks?  Thankfully, no. I didn’t get any from D, so hopefully Dv2.0 doesn’t give me any either.
  • Sleep:  Definitely heading into the “crappy” territory. Rolling over is getting to be a process, and I’m always just sore all over when I wake up. Getting up to pee is basically a nightly thing now too, so that’s always an interruption.
  • Best moment this week:  Hmm, this one’s always tough. I think I’m supposed to put baby-related stuff in here, but right now the rest of my life is taking precedence over the fact that there is a squash-sized human growing inside me. I know it got 2 mentions in last week’s post, but I think I’m gonna have to go with our trip to the WI State Fair last Friday. It was so much fun! We hung out with our great friends A & S for a couple hours, D LOVED seeing all the livestock, and I got my fried cheese fill.
  • Miss anything?  Beer, especially this summer. And a good, solid night’s sleep.
  • Movement:  Yes, since about week 16 I believe. Kicks are pretty low, which I’ve heard signals there’s a boy in there. They are, however, starting to move higher – I’ve noticed the top of my belly getting kicked now too. Must be a long squash in there. I think they’re getting stronger too.
  • Cravings:  In general, no, but when I get really hungry I want protein – meat, cheese, etc.
  • Aversions:  Food, no. Smells, not nearly as bad as last time, fortunately. I just get sick of scents quickly and have to get rid of them completely.
  • Gender:  Not finding out.
  • Labor signs:  No. Wait, are Braxton Hicks contractions considered a labor sign? If so, then yes, I’ve started having those (see below).
  • Symptoms:  Daily heartburn (yes, it switched to daily from nightly. awesome. and sometimes i can feel it come on as soon as i take a bite of something. hooray), SI pain (fairly constant now, which sucks), my hair isn’t shedding much when I wash/brush it, and I have some serious pregnancy brain. My stomach muscles have stopped tweaking as much, though, when I try to use my abs, so I’m just assuming that means they’ve gotten totally worn out. And the Braxton Hicks have arrived. I started feeling my lower abdomen tighten (painlessly) every once in a while within the past couple weeks, and my doctor confirmed those are the BH again.
  • Belly button in or out?  Starting to bulge a little, but not out. Never went fully out with D, just a little crooked.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  A pedicure at the Kohler Waters Spa on Sunday. Oh YEAH!! Because you know there is no way I’m bending down to do my own toenails right now. Actually, I don’t ever like doing my own toenails, but especially not now with this protrusion of a belly hindering my reach.

Sorry, 1 more week until the comparison photos are back. Your anticipation is palpable…



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