Yes, this post is over 2 weeks late. But do you know what that means? Della will be 2 years old in just over 2 weeks!!
Excuse me while I pick myself up off the floor because I just fainted at that thought…
official 23 mo. pics
This child amazes and entertains me more and more each day. I am, however, starting to get a little nervous about what life will be like when there are 2 of them.
Besides growing like a serious weed, there isn’t a ton of new stuff going on since the last updates. I will refer you to the 21 month and 22 month stats for her ever-growing vocabulary, because I don’t feel like typing them all out again. Oh come on, you know I’m lazy.
Since then, however, there have been a couple new additions:
- hammock (which she says surprisingly perfectly. guess she finally learned that “k” sound after all)
- truck (which she has also had in her repertoire for awhile now, but it’s been perfected)
- Hemmy (her friend Hemingway at school. this was the mystery “emmy” word that took me months to figure out)
- Nay-nay (her friend Nathan at school)
- No-no (her friend Noah at school)
- up! (when she wants to be picked up)
- PaPa (pronounced paw-paw, and what she calls all of her grandparents. so we have to distinguish between which grandma and which grandpa, just to make sure who we’re talking about)
- Mo-mochs (my mom and stepdad’s dog is named Mocha and we often call her “Mochie-Mochs”. so this is d’s version)
- mine & me (actually her new favorite phrase is “no mine, della’s!” her “della” still sounds suspiciously like “dada”, but when she yanks whatever it is you’re dealing with away while saying this, you know she’s definitely talking about della. almost 2? yes)
- starting to learn black, green, and brown instead of calling everything she doesn’t know “purple”
- heavy (been saying this for awhile, i’ve just forgotten to list it)
- empty (same as with “heavy”, and sounds very similar)
- rag (pronounced more like “rye”, how she refers to the burp rag with which she sleeps)
- almost (doesn’t say this one often, but will repeat it after you)
- outside
- broke
- hot dog (have i listed this one before? she’s been saying it forever)
- mouth (sounds like “moushe”)
- nose
- neck (another one that doesn’t really come out on its own, but she’ll repeat it very well)
- starting to count, even though her “1, 2, 3” sounds more like “oo, doo, eee”
I’m sure there are more, but her sibling is currently feasting on my brain cells and not allowing me to recall them for you at this moment.
She’s also become fond of standing with her back against the height board Ryan made for her 1st birthday last year and seeing how much she’s grown since she turned 1. It’s so funny to watch because she’ll just back up against it and wait for you to measure how tall she is.
2 years old. Wow. I seriously can’t believe it. It still doesn’t seem like these past 2 years have flown by like time usually does, but saying we have a 2 year old just blows my mind.
Here are some pictures from the past couple weeks. Her 4th of July outfit was so cute with those stars on her shorts, but I felt bad for the poor kid – it was about 470 degrees outside and she’s constantly in motion, as evidenced by the blur factor below.
my little flower…
naked baby alert!