ZBB at Summerfest

Ryan and I went to the Zac Brown Band concert at Summerfest last Thursday night, and it was incredible! Our seats ended up being beyond excellent, aside from the fact that they were standing-room only.

At least we didn’t have to worry about anyone yelling at us to sit down this time. Ahem. (i’m not still bitter about those stupid wrigley people or anything…)

The show started at 7:30 with 2 opening acts, so we figured getting in there around 8:30 would be good. Not really. ZBB didn’t end up coming on until after 9:30, by which point the temperature had risen about 15 degrees as people packed into the standing room area and my legs felt like they were about to explode.

Maybe people who say to wear compression stockings during pregnancy aren’t so crazy after all. But not on a 100+ degree day, thanks.

Anyway… Once they started playing they didn’t stop for about 2 hours, so we definitely got our money’s worth. Plus the area in which we stood was directly in front of the stage, and had we gotten there even earlier to get right up against the stage, we easily could’ve touched the band members as they came by. But I wasn’t about to battle drunk, sweaty, stinky crowds of youngin’s for that opportunity. Me and my pregnant self were perfectly happy a few rows back.

I think there were only about 2 songs of theirs I love that they didn’t play, so I was very happy with the performance. I’ll let the photos do the rest of the talking, but this makes 2 shows of theirs we’ve seen now and both have been beyond great.

Pregnant lady needed to stay hydrated…

He was deadly with that t-shirt cannon!

My favorite part was when they all came out to the front of the stage, sat down, and played Aerosmith’s “Sweet Emotion”. It was SO good!

The violin intro to “Free” gives me chills every time…

Ryan loved this guy because he was wearing a Packers shirt. He was crazy! (the band member, not ryan)

4 Replies to “ZBB at Summerfest”

  1. SHUT UP! We were there too! You had much better seats (we were on the grass). I loved it and LOVEed the song he did for his wife… “yeah, we just made this up on the bus this week.” Go ZBB!
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