Tear down the wall!

Ryan and I went to see Roger Waters perform “The Wall” at Wrigley Field Friday night, and it was pretty amazing. The stage was enormous, and the wall they constructed covered the entire outfield, from foul pole to foul pole. It was over 3 stories high, and it served as a giant projection screen for much of the show, too.

The wall was seriously incredible.

If you’ve ever seen this production, or even just know the songs from this Pink Floyd double-album, you know “The Wall” is rife with anti-government, anti-politics, anti-establishment overtones. So there were plenty of hammers, a giant fascist pig floating around the stadium at one point, a video tribute to fallen soldiers from all eras projected on the massive wall, a model bomber plane that crashed into the wall in flames, an opening montage of fireworks, and a general f*** the man sentiment throughout the concert.

Doubling as a jumbotron for those not on the field.
They built up the wall during the 1st act - almost complete here.
Hammers and machine guns - pretty typical for this show.
Bring 'em home!

Ryan is a HUGE Pink Floyd fan, and although I’m not nearly as big a fan as he is, I do know most of the songs from the album. In particular though, my favorites from this show were Waters’ duet with himself from a 1980 show singing “Mother”, “Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2” (the one with, “hey, teacher! leave those kids alone!”), and “Comfortably Numb”. You know, all the songs non-Pink Floyd fans know.

I must admit, the huge tribute to all the fallen soldiers was extremely moving, especially since they projected a number of civilians too. It began with his father, who was a British Army pilot shot down in World War II and included a ton of children from today’s conflicts. It literally brought me to tears.

The fallen projected on the completed wall at intermission.

The show ended with the wall coming down amid chants of “Tear down the wall!” as the giant floating pig covered in fascist slogans that I mentioned above was grabbed by the crowd and ripped to shreds. It was a pretty amazing spectacle.

"Tear down the wall!" The show ended with the full band on stage in front of the destroyed wall.

Unfortunately, the awesomeness was marred by one huge lowlight. Our seats were excellent – front row directly behind the Cubs dugout, first 2 seats on the aisle, almost dead center of the stage. Basically as close as you could get to being on the field without paying the extra $100+. But apparently the entire rest of our section had dubbed these as “no standing” seats.

I'm not kidding, our seats were phenomenal.

Now, riddle me this – when have you ever gone to a concert, let alone in an outdoor venue and seeing PINK FLOYD, and not stood at any point in the show? Yeah, me neither. NEVER.

Someone in at least each of the handful of rows behind us at some point yelled at Ryan to sit down. And to his credit, he kept his cool pretty well for almost the entire show. He was extremely accommodating, trying to either sit on the back of his chair so as not to be up so high, seeing if standing in the aisle instead would work (it didn’t), or simply just sitting back down after a minute.

He was even proactive, knowing this was going to get ugly if they didn’t shut up, and asked the usher 1) if we were, in fact, allowed to stand in those seats (of course we were!), and 2) if we could be moved because of all the complaining. The usher was very understanding, told us that we could definitely stand in our seats, came down and even told the people behind us so (too bad that didn’t shut them up), but was unfortunately unable to move us at intermission.

The worst offenders were this group of 3 women directly behind us. They obviously were neither Roger Waters nor Pink Floyd fans, and had to look the band up on Google on their phones at intermission. Huh?? Why are you sitting in such great seats then? At one point, the chick in the middle reached around and shined the camera flash on her phone right in Ryan’s face. WHO DOES THAT??

Finally with about 10 minutes left in the show we simply left our seats. We moved over about 2 sections, where EVERYONE was standing, and watched the remainder from there, in seats not nearly as good as the ones FOR WHICH WE PAID. As we were walking up the aisle to move, the crowd of course thought we were being kicked out and shouted at us to “enjoy the rest of the show you asshole”, and one guy from a few rows back even threw his beer at Ryan. WHAT?!?!?

Sorry for all the caps, but my god, people. How about some maturity? You are grown-ass men! And yes, I know Ryan was finally shouting back at the end, but come on. I can’t disagree with him at all – we were in no way in the wrong, we had to stand to see the stage over the crowd of people on the field, and we weren’t even standing the whole time, only during the climactic songs when Waters urged the crowd to get into it himself.

You know I hate confrontation, so my route was to simply ignore the heckling, and it seemed to work. No one said anything to me directly. Granted, I never once turned around to look at who the heckler was or said one word back to anybody, and I did try to keep Ryan from doing so. But finally he’d had enough and I couldn’t do anything about it. I saw neither the phone flash nor beer being thrown since I was trying to be as oblivious as possible and simply watch the show, and maybe it’s better that I missed those antics. I think I would’ve flipped out on those douchebags if I had witnessed such childish, ridiculous behavior. As the only 100% sober person there, I can say without bias that everyone was just being stupid.

We did get to see the end of the show from the other seats and didn’t have to miss anything, but still. Talk about a horrible way to end an otherwise spectacular concert. I felt particularly bad for Ryan since I knew how much he was looking forward to this and Pink Floyd is his all-time favorite band, but fortunately he said it didn’t ruin his entire weekend, just that little piece of the show. Overall he was still definitely glad we went. Good.

So sorry Wrigley fans, but your concertgoers are some of the worst, most obnoxious people I’ve ever been around. This experience has definitely soured me on ever going back there. At least the rest of the weekend was fantastic – we spent the remainder at my mom and stepdad’s house, enjoyed some delicious smoked pork from the inaugural run of their new smoker/grill, soaked up as much sun as we could stand before it got too hot, and watched Della run around playing with everything in sight.

Della LOVED her Cookie Monster ice cream from the Plush Horse! And her new Elmo flip-flops.

Summer is here, my friends. And I say bring it on! Just not at Wrigley!



Friday Funk – 19 weeks

Tomorrow is halfway – woah!

  • How far along?  19 weeks, 6 days
  • Total weight gain: I weighed myself Wednesday morning since I had my next appointment that day, and I was up 17 lbs. God, that still sounds like a lot. I think I was only up 16 by the doctor’s scale, though. 😉
  • Maternity clothes?  Bottoms almost exclusively (those shorts i’ve worn in the past couple weeks’ pics are not maternity, though. they just seem to keep fitting well so far). I’m all about comfortable, well-fitting clothes right now. No more trying to squeeze into non-maternity stuff just to prove I still can and feeling like a sausage. With D I didn’t wear maternity pants exclusively until 22 weeks, but it’s looking more and more like I’ll miss that mark this time. Regular tops are still fine.
  • Stretch marks?  Thankfully, no. I didn’t get any from D, so hopefully Dv2.0 doesn’t give me any either.
  • Sleep:  When D sleeps through the night (which is almost always), it’s pretty good. Sometimes I have to get up to pee, but that isn’t a constant yet.
  • Best moment this week:  The ultrasound on Wednesday. This kid was wiggling around like nobody’s business! It lasted a good hour, and I got to watch baby the whole time. Except when I looked away so as not to ruin the gender surprise. The tech said baby’s heart was beautiful, we watched it beating away strongly, and she took many pictures of it.
  • Miss anything?  Beer, especially now that the weather’s warming up. And having to wear a belt.
  • Movement:  Rolls and kicks/punches are getting a little stronger and more frequent, so that’s a good sign.
  • Cravings:  In general, no, but when I get really hungry I want protein – meat, cheese, etc. I’ve also had hankerings for salad sandwiches at lunch lately – egg, tuna, chicken – which I don’t usually eat that often.
  • Aversions:  Food, no. Smells, not nearly as bad as last time, fortunately. I just get sick of scents quickly and have to get rid of them completely.
  • Gender:  Not finding out.
  • Labor signs:  No.
  • Symptoms:  Still a little heartburn off and on, but it’s pretty fleeting. I have started getting sacro-iliac pain already though, which is much earlier than I experienced it with D. Especially if I’m really active during the day, it hurts my butt to stand up and walk by nighttime. Literally.
  • Belly button in or out?  In. Never went fully out with D, just a little crooked.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  Seeing Roger Waters perform “The Wall” down at Wrigley Field tonight and spending tomorrow at my mom and stepdad’s house. It’s gonna be HOT this weekend, so I’m sure D will thoroughly enjoy running around in the sprinkler in their yard.

And just because you’re all so wonderful, here’s a sneak peek at Dv2.0. I wasn’t joking when I said this baby was moving – look how blurry the profile head shot is. I love the little foot!


22 month stats

21 mo. pics late, but she’s such a screwball i couldn’t resist showing you.

D turned 22 months old last Friday, and that means she’ll be 2 in less than 2 months now! How in the world did that happen?

I just gave a pretty comprehensive update post for her 21 month stats not too long ago, so I’ll just supplement that one with developments since.

  • New words:
    • mess
    • baby (pretty good timing, i’d say)
    • milk (sounds more like moosh)
    • pink (sounds kind of like pish. i guess she likes her ks to make a sh sound)
    • yellow
    • oh no! (complete with hands out to the side and everything)
    • night-night
  • Adores singing the wheels on the bus song (has for awhile now, i just forgot to mention it), and is excellent at saying “shh” when the driver says, “shh, shh, shh!”. She even puts her little index finger up to her lips and everything. Too cute.
  • Knows to cover her mouth when she coughs, which they must have learned at daycare. When I saw her doing that I also taught her to sneeze into the crook of her arm. She doesn’t do that for real yet, though, only for fake sneezes.
  • Will imitate a burp or a fart. Has also been doing this for awhile now too, so ladylike.
  • Simply revels in shouting, “No, no, no!” and squirming away when you try to get her to do something or pick her up to brush her teeth/change her diaper/get her in the bathtub/etc. She’s not really serious about her No!s yet, more just imitating the word, but I can only imagine where it will lead in a few months. We discovered she picked this up at school too one day last week when we dropped her off and one of the little boys in her room was shouting “No!” over and over again. Excellent.
  • Loves playing outside, and has been a wonderful little helper in the gardens this spring. R built an entirely new retaining wall along the whole back garden, and she was out there at every opportunity, usually stomping around in her puppy flip-flops, swim suit, swim shirt, and sun hat. Very helpful.
  • Still having some bedtime issues with crying after we put her down, but I hope this is just a phase. She had gotten so good at reading her night-night stories and just going right into her crib to fall asleep, but for about a month now she insists on starting to cry about 2 minutes after you leave her room. Sometimes I’ll wait just outside her door after I put her down to watch and quiet her from afar if she starts whining, which seems to work, but I’d rather not have to do that either. I want the easy bedtimes back.
  • Thankfully she’s illness-free right now (knock on all things wood around you!), but her hands and feet peeled something wicked after that last round of HFM. Her poor little feet and toes are still really peeling; her hands appear to be almost finished. It’s like she was molting or something. Very odd.

I really can’t believe how big this little one is getting. She’s an adorable, hysterical little girl, and I can’t wait to see her as a big sister. I will always cherish her big fish lip kisses and giant bear hugs as only she can give.

official 22 mo. pics. doesn’t she look HUGE? where did those gangly arms & legs come from? still as goofy as ever, though!



A day at the races

Saturday we went up to Road America in Elkhart Lake to watch the AMA Pro Racing Superbike races, and it was a great day. It started off a little breezy and chilly when the sun went behind clouds and then some rain passed through late in the day actually delaying the final race of the afternoon, but as a whole we had some really nice weather.

R made a batch of his famous jambalaya and we caught up with some friends we hadn’t seen in years, so fun was had by all. I will admit, this is the first time I’ve been to these races and stayed sober the entire day, but it was still a wonderful time. I’m not big into motorcycle racing by any means, but seeing those bikes in action is always pretty amazing.

Plus D had a blast running around all the open grassy areas near where we were sitting and even found some puppies to pet. Her day was complete.

It was a typical tailgate set up, except instead of watching a ball game, we were watching motorcycles zoom by on the track. D actually didn’t mind the noise at all, which was a nice surprise.

The way these guys take corners is insane and always blows my mind no matter how many times I see it.

Like I said, our littlest racer had a great day too.

Running up and down the hill with Daddy helped tucker her out for a nap in the stroller as we walked around the pits, checking out all the bikes up close and in person.

We got to see a racer from one of the TV shows R watches, so that was pretty cool too (#23 in the picture above with the 2 bikes). Once again, the knee-draggin’ was in full effect and Road America did not disappoint.

One of the highlights though, for me anyway, came right at the end of the day as we were leaving. Our good friend Craig, who hadn’t met D before that morning, commented on how well-behaved she was all day, just having her own little fun being around everyone. He said we must be so proud. Yes, yes we are.


Thoughts the 2nd time around…

{written on 2-23-12 – 4w5d}

It’s funny, because as obviously thrilled as I am that I’m pregnant again, it feels totally different than when I found out I was pregnant the 1st time. The shock and awe of that one has been replaced by an “Awesome, let’s do this!” mentality this time around.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m ecstatic that we’re having another baby! That was the whole point of trying again. I just have a completely different mindset right now.

Instead of “OHMYGOD I have no idea what we’re going to need!”, it’s “Ok, we have all the baby stuff and clothes up in the attic and the furniture in D’s room.”

Instead of “Holy shit what is my body going to do?”, it’s “Ok, I’ll just wait for my body to do this and this and this again.”

Instead of “I AM FREAKING OUT!!”, it’s “Yeah, this great! We’re gonna have another baby, and D’s gonna be a great big sister!”

Much calmer now, as you can see.

I know every pregnancy is different and I can’t necessarily predict what will happen with this one based solely on how the first one went, but it’s not totally uncharted territory for me anymore. We’ve been down this road before and I’m now  much more confident the 2nd time.

Even R’s reaction last night was different. He was certainly happy and excited too, but he was funny when he went to bed. He gave me a kiss and said, “Well, congrats, I guess. You ready for this?”

Nerd. 🙂

Of course I’m ready. I replied, “Yep. Are you?”

He’s such a great dad already I have no doubt that he’ll be even better with more.

That’s the other thing – we’re already parents, and I think we’re pretty good ones. So now I don’t have the same “What if I fail?” feeling that sometimes crept in when I was pregnant with D. We’re not heading into the great unknown.

Yeah, we’ve got this.

Bring it on Rauling #2! We can’t wait to meet you.

I don’t have my 1st OB appointment until March 14, but right now my estimated due date is October 31, 2012. A Halloween baby! Our own lil’ spook.

Squeak and Spook. I like it.


**ETA: I’ve obviously had that 1st OB appt., and my due date is October 27. So I wasn’t too far off. 


Friday Funk – 18 weeks

Moving right along with Dv2.0…

  • How far along?  18 weeks, 6 days
  • Total weight gain: Haven’t weighed myself this week, but hopefully it’s not a whole lot more than the 15 lbs. (ugh!!) I was up as of last week. As you can see though, my butt has begun its expansion again. Why? I’m not carrying a baby back there, geez.
  • Maternity clothes?  More and more. I’ll take stretchy pants over regular ones held up with a Be-Band any day, so they’re becoming a staple. With D I didn’t wear maternity pants exclusively until 22 weeks, but I doubt I’ll last that long this time. Regular tops are still fine. I did just buy a whole new round of maternity gear this week so I am looking forward to its arrival.
  • Stretch marks?  Thankfully, no. I didn’t get any from D, so hopefully Dv2.0 doesn’t give me any either.
  • Sleep:  When D sleeps through the night (which is almost always), it’s pretty good. Sometimes I have to get up to pee, but that isn’t a constant yet.
  • Best moment this week:  Getting my hair trimmed and the grays covered back up tonight. Finally! (yes, i get my hair dyed while pregnant. it’s ok.)
  • Miss anything?  Beer, especially now that the weather’s warming up.
  • Movement:  Started feeling some tiny flutters here and there during week 16, which is about 3-4 weeks earlier than I felt D move. Still not very regular or strong yet.
  • Cravings:  In general, no, but when I get really hungry I want protein – meat, cheese, etc.
  • Aversions:  Food, no. Smells, not nearly as bad as last time, fortunately. I just get sick of scents quickly and have to get rid of them completely.
  • Gender:  Not finding out.
  • Labor signs:  No.
  • Symptoms:  Still a little heartburn off and on, but it’s pretty fleeting. I have started getting sacro-iliac pain already though, which is much earlier than I experienced it with D. Especially if I’m really active during the day, it hurts my butt to stand up and walk by the night. Literally.
  • Belly button in or out?  In. Never went fully out with D, just a little crooked.
  • Wedding rings on or off?  On.
  • Looking forward to:  Ultrasound next week.