St. Thomas!

I promised you pictures (and a good tan, which i got) from our Caribbean vacation last month, so here they come!

Fish eye view off our balcony at the Ritz. I sure do miss waking up to this each day…

A back side view of the residence area of the Ritz in which we stayed, from a beach you could take to walk into town.

The always plentiful booze stock, of which I was unable to partake this year. That makes 2 trips in a row to St. Thomas that I’ve been pregnant and not able to drink. Ah well, there are much worse things in life.

Family pic our first night in town, out for some extremely delicious Island Time pizza.

The whole gang at Havana Blue, an awesome open-air restaurant right on the shoreline.

Cruz Bay on St. John, where the ferry comes in from St. Thomas.

Sandy Cay, BVI, one of the little islands we visited on our day of boating. We tied up offshore and had to swim in. Surprisingly, D loved that.

The beach on Jost Van Dyke, BVI, just waiting for our swim-in arrival.

The water bug herself, goofing around with someone’s sunglasses. Or as she calls them, “eyes”.

Mommy and D at One Love on Jost. I seriously love that island. It’s more fun with a few painkillers in you, but sober is good too.

Me, my sister M, and my mom on the boat back to St. Thomas.

Me and R. I love this pic of us. Once the Dramamine kicked in and the urge to barf every 5 seconds passed, I actually had a great time on the boat. Lucky for me, nausea is worse in those pregnant women who also get seasick, of which I am one.

D running around at dinner one night. Fortunately we had our own (soundproof) room. If you ever go to Sunset Grill and have a decent-sized party, see if you can sit in the wine room. It was wonderful.

The last weekend we were down there we moved over to my sister M and her husband’s boss’s house on a different part of the island. He’s currently living in the UK and let us have free reign of the joint. That view wasn’t so bad either.

I knew D would make a bee-line for the pool as soon as she saw it after how much she loved swimming in the ocean, and I was right.

We went to an absolutely gorgeous beach on one of our last days – Magens Bay. It’s completely smooth, not a shell or rock in sight, and you can wade out really far. It was super calm, and since there weren’t any cruise ships in port that day we lucked out and it was empty. It started raining while we were there, but even that couldn’t damper the beauty of the place.

Our last picture before heading to the airport to come home. We were definitely sad to leave!




8 Replies to “St. Thomas!”

  1. Thank you for sharing!  We’re planning to stay @ the Ritz in October for our combined 45th birthdays and our 20th anniversary celebration!  I can’t wait!

    1.  @Scroogy It definitely was. The perfect cure for some miserable weather around here last month, that’s for sure!

  2. I don’t know what I envy more, your “pregnant” body, the amazing vacation… or the INSANE amount of liquor you couldn’t touch! :-/ Hope you plan a post-baby trip back next year! (and take me with you! HA!) 

    1.  @mommaneedsabeer Hahahaha! I know, the liquor stash is always out of control; this year was actually TAME compared to some past. My bro-in-law used to work for a liquor distributor when he and my sister lived down there, so he still gets the “family” discount. Needless to say, we take advantage. 😉 At least the virgin guava coladas at the Ritz are excellent! Oh and don’t worry – this body is very quickly becoming much more pregnant looking! Unfortunately we won’t be back down there for at least a couple years now, so that’s why we made sure not to miss the trip this year. And if I can smuggle you into my suitcase, you’re in for the next one! 🙂

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