A little birdie

This morning when I dropped D off at daycare, a little sparrow flew right into the front door as we were walking up and knocked himself silly. He was all upside down and discombobulated on the sidewalk, and little tufts of down were floating in the air after his collision. I felt terrible, but didn’t really want him to fly up in our face as I was still holding D.

On my way out I saw him still lying there, curled up on his back, so I grabbed a little stick and flipped him over so he was at least on his feet. I sure hope he’s ok and can fly away. Silly little guy.

Also, Happy May Day! I love May. Not only is it generally a beautiful month weather-wise (note *generally*. if our weather doesn’t shape up soon i’m packing up and heading back to the beach permanently), but it’s my birthday month. Yippee! 1 week from today is my birthday. You may get your presents ready to ship now…

Today D turns 21 months old, too. Gheesh! That’s almost 2 years old. Woah. I know I missed her 20 month recap, so I’ll have to get a good one in for this one.

I know I owe you more vacation pictures too, but I’ve only gotten through the ones from 1 of R’s cameras so far. He took 2, so hopefully I’ll get the rest of them done soon to share a lovely gallery for your perusal. It really was a splendid time, and looking back at them just makes me happy.

So there’s a post full of random for you, but at least I didn’t wait 4 years between appearances this time. I’ll leave you with a pretty picture of some lilies of the valley in closing to tide you over until the rest of the St. Thomas pictures materialize. They’re the birth flower of May and one of my favorites. I can’t wait until mine start blooming this year.



4 Replies to “A little birdie”

  1. oh I Love lilly’s of the valley! we have some growing in our window wells on the side of the house, I’ll have to go check them and see if they’re blooming yet 🙂

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