Ok, here I am

We arrived home from St. Thomas late Monday night, got about 4 minutes of sleep since D was all messed up and ended up in our bed again, and then I went to bed at 8:30 last night. Suitcases and carry-ons remain unpacked, and the clothes I wore on the flights home are even still strewn on our bedroom floor.

Yes, I’m tired.

So I apologize for the severe lack of posting lately. Granted I was on vacation for about 9 days, but I know I’ve missed a monthly D update post and I owe you pictures. Don’t worry, there are LOTS of pictures coming. I just have to wade through them all to pick the best gems for you.

But in the meantime, here’s a teaser. This is my youngest sister on the boat we took to the British Virgin Islands one day during our trip. Look at the color of that water!! This photo is not edited or retouched in any way. That place is just that naturally and stunningly beautiful.


How I long to be back on those beaches with that water tickling my toes…



6 Replies to “Ok, here I am”

  1. That water looks INCREDIBLE!!! Can’t wait to hear more. You do what you need to do as far as posting goes. Don’t succumb to “Blogger-guilt”!! I do on occasion… but I try to remember that my posts suffer when they feel forced. I’d rather post quality than quantity. 

    1.  @mommaneedsabeer Thanks, Kelli! I’ve definitely felt a little guilty lately for not posting much, but I just haven’t felt like it. But I will definitely be getting some more pictures from our trip up here soon. It was so wonderful!

    1.  @CookingInStilettos It was simply stunning! I’ve been so lazy with the pictures, but I’m hoping to get through the rest of them tonight. Stay tuned! 😉

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