Friday Funk – Feelin’ green

That’s been me this week, hence the lack of posting. I just haven’t felt up to it. I think it’s just residual effects of the cold I had a few weeks ago, but I’ve just felt blah.

And has this week seemed to take forever to get over with to anyone else? I swear it felt like about 8 weeks packed into one.

But anyway, I did want to get a couple things up here for you before we roll into the weekend…

A few weeks ago I participated in a blogger care package swap type deal, and I wanted to show off what I received from the lovely Amanda at Ninth Street Notions:

Isn’t that great?! We were told to send 5 items – an accessory, a paper/office/craft product, a food item, something that represents the area in which you live, and a beauty item. She lives in Oregon, so she sent along the beautiful Cowboys & Indians magazine. And that chocolate bar? Delicious!

It was a fun way to meet a new blogger and get a little treat in the process.

What else?

Oh yeah – of course tomorrow’s St. Patty’s Day. Yippee! What better excuse to drink green beer and eat reubens? Yum. It was green day at daycare today, but unfortunately D has no green clothing. So she wore a little Brewers onesie that in green says, “100% Organic Fan”. It’s organic cotton – get it? So clever. And little green accents on her socks. Hey, I do what I can.

And it’s March Madness, always a great time of year. I actually didn’t fill out a bracket for the first time in a long time, but I still love following along. Badgers won their first round game against Montana yesterday, so let’s hope they can pull off a similar outcome tomorrow against Vanderbilt. That’ll be a little tougher, but there’s no way I can root against Bucky.

Have a great weekend!


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