Friday Funk – 7×7 edition

Yep, that’s right, I’ve been tagged again.

This one’s a little different, but I’m still not doing the tagging part at the end. Yes, I would love to know 7 more things about 7 more people, but I really don’t even know where I’d begin picking who to tag. So you’ll just have to deal with that.

But here’s the rest of it…

7×7 Blog Award

Thank the person who nominated you: That would be the lovely *Bleep* over at *Bleeping* Amazing. She’s a military mama who blogs anonymously to protect her family, something I totally dig. She’s got some great stories of life raising a pair of boys, so please go check her out.


Share 7 things about yourself that readers don’t know:

Hmm, this one’s tough, because a lot of you know me in real life and I’m a pretty open book, but I’ll give it a shot…

  1. I hate using knives. If I can cut something with just a fork, I will.
  2. I failed to make the cheerleading squad in 7th grade because I forgot to pack white socks to change into with my tryout outfit. I guess thick green wool socks are frowned upon in the cheerleading world.
  3. I sideswiped a van in a Subway parking lot on the very first day I had my driver’s license. The very first day!! Ugh.
  4. For as good a swimmer as I am, foreign bodies of open water TOTALLY freak me out. I hate swimming in lakes with which I’m not familiar, and if I get stuck in a patch of seaweed, I will likely start crying if you don’t get me out immediately. I’m not kidding.
  5. I love sports cars and driving fast. If I could afford one, I would get a Lamborghini, Ferrari, Lotus, Maserati, or other such sweet ride in a heartbeat, then proceed to blow your doors off the line.
  6. I can’t drive stick. Guess I’d better work on that if I’m going to roll on dubs in a Lambo.
  7. I can wiggle my ears and plug my nose without using my fingers. That latter skill has come in EXTREMELY handy since having a child. I rarely smell a poopy diaper.


Share 7 of your blog posts that fit into the following categories:

Most beautiful:  I’m going with this one strictly for the pictures. Hawaii – the rest…

You cannot change:  I’m not quite sure I understand what this one is asking, but here’s my entry. Right or wrong, I am still the mama

Most helpful:  I have a tie for this one… Homemade Sugar Scrub or my breastfeeding guide

Most controversial:  I don’t really write on very controversial topics, but maybe this one? Do I want my kids to be French?

Most surprisingly successful:  Finding a little Mom Sexy of my own

Most underrated:  Be Enough Me: A Letter

Most pride-worthy:  Be sure to click through to the actual post for which I won in this one; it’s good. I’m a Blogmas winner!


So there ya have it. Did you learn anything else about me? Like I said, I’m skipping the tagging because I can.

Thank you for the award, *Bleep*!

I am always beyond flattered when someone says I inspire them. Because to me, all I’m doing is sitting over here telling my crazy little stories. So knowing that others are out there reading and enjoying them totally makes me smile.




5 Replies to “Friday Funk – 7×7 edition”

  1. I have to admit, these are very fun to read so thank you for sharing! They’re a bit like a game of telephone. I was tagged in one of these, but mine included “most popular” instead of “you cannot change”. Maybe the person passing mine on didn’t know what to put there either.

    1.  @deannabe1 You’re welcome! Yeah, I wasn’t quite sure what to put for the “you cannot change” one, so hopefully I did it right. 🙂

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