19 Replies to “Memories Captured – February Edition”

  1. She’s grown a lot in a year, especially in the eye lash department! They went from long to longer. Very precious. 🙂

      1. @_ScooterMarie@fourjedis Haha, yes her hair as well! And probably her fingernails since they are all made out of the same material!

    1. @BeautifulSpitUp Thanks, Eve! I know!! Seeing them every day it’s hard to notice all the little changes, but when you look back at a comparison like this it’s like BLADDOW! Growing up.

  2. It does make such a difference, doesn’t it? We were looking at pictures of our baby last night (he’s 14 months old), and we couldn’t believe how much older and bigger (and less bald) he looks just compared to 6 months ago, much less a year! She’s a cutie!

  3. They grow so fast. I still get all emotional when I look back at pictures. We just signed up my baby for school. Sniff. She’s a cutie

    1. @momgosomething Aw, I saw that on your blog – total sniff! Thank you!! And you made up that saying on your picture? That’s awesome!

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