Just click on that little orange button

Some of you, dear readers, may have subscribed to my blog through the Google Friend Connect widget that used to be in my sidebar, and for that I thank you sincerely!

Unfortunately, Google is doing away with Friend Connect in a matter of weeks, so our connection will be lost. I know! The horror!!

Have no fear, though. There is a most excellent and incredibly effortless way to keep our bond alive and strong even when that widget goes by the wayside permanently.

All you need to do is take a peek up in my header and click on that little orange RSS button. Or you can click right here if you’d rather:

It will magically open up a screen for you to subscribe to ScooterMarie and have it delivered right to the reader feed of your choice. Easy breezy!

Or, if you prefer to receive all of my insanely witty banter and tantalizing charm via email, please enter your email address in that little box over in the sidebar. FeedBurner will zip a note right to your inbox with every new post.

You’ll never miss a word of ScooterMarie again! I can feel your collective sighs of relief washing over me now…

So please, if you would be so kind – either subscribe via the orange RSS feed button up top there or stick with me via email subscription from the box in my sidebar. You will totally make my day. See how happy I am?

Thank you!




12 Replies to “Just click on that little orange button”

  1. Shoot – I didn’t know that google friend connect was going away… Must prepare… thanks for the heads up – I subscribed!

    1. @natalie1 You’re welcome! Yep, I want to say it’s the beginning of March that it’ll be gone. Thank you for subscribing!!

  2. Wouldn’t it be sad to miss one of your posts? Yes. It would. Glad I’m already a subscriber.

    And thanks for reminding me to write one of these nice little posts for my GFC readers too!

  3. I hadn’t even heard of Google Friend Connect. Another service by Google launched and then canned. They have so many products and only really do search well. Having said that I do use Google reader. Cup of coffee first thing in the morning and check what’s new on my favorite blogs…

    1. @LauraC I know – Google does seem to have its fingers in a lot of jars, if you will. I’m with you on the reader, though – I love reading through mine daily! Or as soon as I get the chance. 😉

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