5 new faves

For the past couple weeks I’ve been doing a 31-day blog-improvement challenge hosted by the SITS Girls. It’s proven to be a lot to take in and I haven’t been the best at keeping up with all of the tasks on the days they are assigned, but I have found some most excellent bloggers in the process.

And why keep their magic all to myself? I’m no blog hoarder, despite what that list that grows daily in my Google reader may say.

So today I want to share the love with youse guys. (don’t start sending hate mail – NO, i don’t really talk like that. just thought i’d throw in a little Sconnie-accent humor)

Here, in no particular order, are 5 wonderful blogs that you should totally go check out. And don’t forget to tell them I sent you. ‘Cause I’m cool like that.


Blairadise – Blair is a girl from the good ‘ol U. S. of A. now living in South Africa with her most beautiful family. I’m not even kidding. Her darling daughter just turned 1, so I love following her stories with a little girl pretty close to D’s age.


The Kids Are Alright – Seriously, this girl has it goin’ on. Angie lives in Madison (gold star right there!) and writes about it all – toddlers, fashion, balance, and blogging. She is full of the awesome, like this post of tips for new bloggers. And yes, I etched them all in my memory.

Angie also writes for Mama’s Gone Madison, a fantastic group of Madison mamas sharing resources for families in that Badger-loving area (which will always hold a special piece of my heart!).


Ramble Ramble – Ginger is simply wonderful, and I adore her blog. I mean just look at her header – it’s a box of candy! What’s not to love? This marketing mama is driven to have her own little creative space on these crazy interwebs, and she does an awesome job sharing tips and stories she’s found along the way. What first drew me to her blog was this tale, wherein I discovered that they, too, lived in Jersey City and loved losing themselves in the streets of Manhattan and the surrounding area. Small world!


The Wine{a}be – Suzanne has been a great help during this bloggy challenge we’re both undertaking, and her blog is beautiful. She’s all about the ins and outs of life in SoCal Wine Country (lucky girl!), and I hope that someday I, too, can explore all the magnificent places out there that she gets to experience daily. Oh, and I like wine too! Duh.


Little Green Bow – Deanna is one super cute girl with one super cute blog. She’s a DIY maven who loves a good challenge and even started her own software company! She also lives near my sisters, so I just automatically kinda feel like she’s part of the family. Except she doesn’t know me or my sisters, but that’s not creepy at all. Ahem. She also has a fantastic Etsy shop!

These beautiful ladies are all on Twitter and some are on Facebook too, if you’d like to follow them, so go have a few good new reads. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!