Oh well, I got a story

I’m not sure what it is about me and R, but it seems like bizarre things always happen to us. Always. It’s as if our lives are governed by Murphy’s Law of Whiskey.Tango.Foxtrot?!

And never do things go “just right” or “as planned”. Never. There are always wrenches flying into our spokes, causing us to go veering off in some wild direction and usually crashing. Or at least ending up at our destination with a nasty scratch.

Fortunately this story I’m about to tell falls more into the weird stuff category than the painful crash category, but it made me laugh and think “yeah, that’s about right” when I heard it nonetheless.

Hopefully you will too. Laugh, that is. Not shake your head at the oddity that is our existence. Ahem.

This conversation transpired one afternoon last week over IM. R had been looking to buy a juicer for a little while and finally found the one he wanted that morning. He had just returned from making his purchase when the following was relayed:

R:  pretty sure I just bought a stolen juicer

Me:  wha? uh-oh

R:  dude was sketchy as shit

Me:  yikes

as long as they don’t track you down

R:  showed up in a beat down mini van

smoking a swisher

very “eccentric”

definitely not someone who “has two and is selling one for his fiance”

Me:  ha!

is that what he said?

R:  yea

Me:  dang. yep, totally stolen

R:  I overpaid knowing that

oh well, I got a story


Now let’s hope we don’t get a knock on our door from the cops looking for that hot juicer.