Gentle Jack Jones…

…won’t you come home to me?

“Brown Eyed Women” is my favorite Grateful Dead song. Hands down. Probably because I have brown eyes. Or probably because it’s about the only one where I positively know every single word and don’t have to mumble any of them. Either or.

And every time we go see Dark Stark Orchestra, I hope beyond hope that they play it, so I can finally belt one out with the best of the hippie crowd.

DSO is a most excellent Grateful Dead cover band, except they don’t just cover they Dead, they play actual entire past Dead shows. Set list for set list. They are incredible.

Much like Aussie Pink Floyd, if you close your eyes while listening to DSO you could actually think you were hearing the Grateful Dead themselves, Jerry and all.

We try to go see them every year, as they make an annual winter stop at one of the theaters in downtown Milwaukee. And tonight’s the night. Grandma’s coming up to babysit D and spend the night, so R and I are going to the show. Huzzah! (huzzah? i don’t think i’ve ever said that before)

I love these guys, and even though I won’t be partaking in the, ahem, *spirit*, of the show as most of the crowd will be, I’ll enjoy it just as much. Plus these theaters usually have splendid beer specials, like $4 tall boys. Nice!

For those of you unfamiliar with DSO, here’s a clip of them playing “Brown Eyed Women” this past New Year’s Eve. Please pardon the less-than-stellar filming – I can only imagine the camera person’s state of *being* at that moment.

And yes, that chick on stage does twirl and do the hippie dance the entire show. Sometimes I end up just watching her the whole time…



6 Replies to “Gentle Jack Jones…”

  1. A good hippie concert ranks in my top 5 things I miss from home. So jealous of your evening. Hope it was a blast.

    1. @BlairKernodleScheepers Thanks, Blair! It was a lot of fun. I may or may not have had a few too many beers before the show so may or may not have thought intermission was the end, but whatever. 😉 I definitely got my fill of the hippie bounce in. And they played “Ramblin’ Rose”, which is my second favorite!

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