
One little blink, just one blink more…

You woke with fright, shaken to the core.


The world is dark at 2am.

But I’m your mommy; here I am.


Your cries pierce the air, are in earnest this night.

No little pats to calm down; this time needs the light.


Little hands knead, your eyes peek around.

Back and forth we rock, barely making a sound.


All the way this time, so you don’t start.

Be still, little one, you are my heart.


One little blink, just one blink more…

Before I lay you back in your crib and slip out the door.





10 Replies to “Flutter”

  1. Not that I wish 2am wake-ups and crying on anyone, but goodness isn’t this a sweet way to process that? Just lovely!

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