This is one of my favorite pictures ever taken of our little family. Now before you get all ranty on me, let me just say that no, this is not how every day is spent in our house. It was the last full night of our Hawaiian vacation, and we were simply enjoying a cocktail on the lanai.
And D wanted to join in the fun.

OMG have I told you that I LOVE YOU??? Because I do!!!
@BeautifulSpitUp Hahaha – Eve, you crack me up!! And thank you! I love you too!! 🙂
Oh-so-cute you guys!!
@Alison@Mama Wants This Thanks, Alison!
ha! Awesome picture!! Love it. 🙂
@MelissaG813 Thank you, Melissa!
Agreed! Cheers!!
@BlairKernodleScheepers Thanks, Blair!
Ohmygoodness, this? Is pure fabulous!
Hat tip, woman- love it!!
@Galit Breen Hehehe – thanks, Galit! It was so funny – the 1st take of this shot R and I were looking forward and D turned her head, so then of course we turned our heads and she looked forward. Ah well, I still love it!
ha, that is perfection … sunset and all 😉
@bywordofmouth Thank you!!
@GalitBreen Hahaha – why, thanks!! @MamaWantsThis #MemoriesCaptured
This photo is fantastic! Who in the world would get all ranty about a single adult beverage? It’s not like your little one’s got a glass of vino. Way to not take yourself too seriously and have fun with life. Superb!
@deannabe1 Haha – excellent point! Thank you!!
That photo is awesome! Classical!
@rambleginger Thank you so much!