Seeing as we were landing in Denver then getting ready to fly back to Milwaukee on D’s 17 month birthday, her update post unfortunately got lost in the shuffle. So here it is, way overdue…
Well, actually, there isn’t much to update. Life is basically the same as in the 16 month stats, with just a few things to note:
- She had hand, foot, and mouth disease in December, which manifested itself as a rash of tiny red spots on her torso and little blister-like sores on her hands and feet. There was no fever or general malaise, which are usually the first signs of it, and we only saw the very faint sores on the roof of her mouth when I took her to the doctor. Otherwise I would have thought it was something else, due to the apparent lack of mouth sores. Since it is a viral infection she didn’t get on any medicine for it, and fortunately it went away on its own right around Christmas with no real bother to D.
- The eczema patches on the backs of her knees had flared up at the same time as the hand, foot, and mouth, so her doctor prescribed some hydrocortizone ointment for that. We noticed a few other rough patches, so we’ve been putting the ointment on all of those and it’s cleared things up nicely.
- She was a better traveler to Hawaii than we could have possibly dreamed. Not really a peep on any of the flights, including the 6-7 hour ones to/from Maui. She had some vomiting in Denver on the first leg of our trip, which scared us for the duration of the ride out to Maui, but thankfully that subsided the night after we arrived at the Ritz. No idea what that was all about. We thought maybe a touch of altitude sickness, but it didn’t happen when we were back in Denver at the end of our trip. Plus she seemed fine other than the puking – no seeming overall illness related to it. Maybe some bad milk?
- She can now tell you what the following things say: puppies, kitty cats (well according to her they just blink for some reason, not meow), snakes, bears, lions, monkeys, cows, cars, trucks, zippers, and Santa.
- We have just recently begun the process of giving up bottles of milk completely. We had gotten down to only giving them to her at bedtime, but then in Hawaii she pretty much had them whenever she wanted. So it was kind of like starting from square one when we got home. This past weekend, though, we survived 2 bedtimes in a row with no bottle, and she only had 1 all weekend. Hopefully this will stick and the bottle era as we know it is over for her.
- She’s getting really tall. Now hardly any 18 month pants fit her, although some 12 month tops are fine. Gonna have legs like Mommy, I guess.
We love you, Squeaker!
We had hand foot and mouth not too long ago, too. Very annoying!!! Wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. Thank you for visiting me on my SITS day!
@BrootFloon Oh you’re very welcome! Yes, hand, foot, and mouth was no fun. It was kind of funny, though – she was fascinated by the little sores on her hands and feet, always pointing them out when she saw them. Fortunately she didn’t seem to be bothered too terribly much by it.
She just keeps getting more gorgeous!
@thehhhousewife Aw, thank you, Claire!!
Aside from the rash and the illness sounds like Sweet D is doing fantastic! And she’s so pretty! Love her little smile with her feet in the pool
@aliwayout Thanks, Alexia! She absolutely loved that pool in Hawaii. She was a little tentative of any area other than that real shallow part at first, but by the end of the week she was having a blast going down the steps into the deeper water and being carried all around the pool.