I’m a Blogmas winner!

You guys, I am beyond flattered and excited to announce that I was a winner in Fadra’s (from all.things.fadra, duh) Blogmas Awards this year!!

No idea what Blogmas is? Well you can check it all out right here. Fadra is amazing, and I’m still blown away by the fact that I was one of her chosen ones this year for the inaugural Blogmas Awards.

And for what did I win, you’re surely wondering? My A mama in the darkness post. Please check it out and see if you agree with Fadra’s assessment.

Thank you, Fadra! And Merry Blogmas, everyone!!

Blogmas Worthy


2 Replies to “I’m a Blogmas winner!”

  1. @_ScooterMarie Congrats!!! I just read the winning post and I’m crying my eyes out as I hug my little guy – so beautifully written!

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