
Friday afternoon I was craving a tasty glass of wine, as is usually the case when the weekend is fast approaching. We had D’s holiday party at daycare first, so afterward I dropped D and R at home and ran up to the grocery store to peruse their selection. (side note – D wanted nothing to do with Santa at the party, so unfortunately we have no cute pictures. so sorry)

I was in the mood for a white – cool, refreshing, and probably on the sweeter side. Yes, I like sweet wines. So what? I ended up picking up 3 bottles – a moscato (there’s the sweet stuff), a white blend from Napa, and a cabernet sauvignon. And no, I wasn’t planning on drinking all of them that night, thank you very much. I had simply noticed our wine rack was perilously low so I thought I’d stock up.

I’d never had any of the 3 I selected, so I was excited to try them. I love getting new wines – it’s like a little adventure, never quite knowing what kind of genie is going to come out of the bottle. Some pleasantly surprise, some horribly disappoint, but I always like to add to my repertoire.

So anyway, I chose to go with the moscato first. It was from Naked Grape, and I had seen it at a store last weekend and still wanted to try it. I’m very glad I did. It was light, sweetly tasted of peaches, and was exactly what I wanted.

 I thoroughly enjoyed the Naked Grape, and would definitely try their other varieties. If you like moscatos, I highly recommend this one. As for the other 2 bottles I bought, I never got a chance to tap into them this weekend. I’ll certainly take you with me, though, as I continue my wine tasting journey with those.



2 Replies to “Mmmoscato”

    1. @shellthings Definitely try this one then if you haven’t. I forgot to mention above, but all of these were under $9. My kind of wine! 😉

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