Deck the… humbug?

As you might know, we’re not going to be at home for Christmas this year. We’ll be traveling. And although it will be a most radical trip, it’s just kind of thrown my whole holiday spirit out of whack this year.


I didn’t really feel like getting a Christmas tree, since I’ll probably want to have it taken down before we leave anyway. (we did end up getting one, just a tiny little guy this year. even so, i did manage to get almost all of my favorite ornaments crammed on there. but only 1 strand of lights)



I really haven’t gotten out any of our other interior decorations, save a winter scene nightlight in the hallway and our mistletoe ball in the kitchen. We have some great advent calendars that I love dearly, but even they remain in the decorations cabinet in the basement because I just didn’t feel like hanging them up this time. Oddly, I felt like the days that didn’t get put up before we left would be lonely. (i know, i’m weird. that’s nothing new) Plus D got 2 chocolate advent calendars from relatives this year, so those have sufficed and fueled her new-found sugar addiction.


I did wind our pre-lit garland around the front lamppost and string the real stuff from my grandparents along our porch rails, because I absolutely adore white Christmas lights outside. But the little tree lights to line the walk will have to wait for another year.


(please pardon the fake snow. i was just having a little picnik fun)


I’m not even really in the mood for presents this year either. I usually love passing out everyone’s gifts on Christmas morning and reveling in the holiday spirit, but just the thought of trying to come up with something for people is kind of grating on my nerves right now. I’m at a total loss for most everyone, and since we’re traveling I don’t really even know if we should do gifts at all. Ugh.


At least a lack of decorations means a little less clean up this year, right? I won’t have to traipse around come the start of the new year taking down all the festive flair and making each room seem a little less magical than when it wore its holiday best, which is always kind of depressing. And since the tree only has 1 strand of lights, I won’t have to mess with tangling and untangling all of those as I try to unwind them from said tree and get them back in storage without ending up with a giant National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation-sized knot.


I guess one other good thing about a pint-sized Christmas tree and minimal decorations is that most of my upkeep and cleaning this year simply consists of telling D, “We don’t touch the Christmas tree. Just wave hi to him.” And yes, that’s worked just fine so far to keep pine needles off the floor, believe it or not.


Anyone have a cup of holiday cheer I could borrow? Something bubbly and slightly alcoholic would do splendidly.



I’m sharing my holiday home decor (or lack thereof!) and cleaning tips for the chance to win prizes from The SITS Girls and Great Cleaners.


8 Replies to “Deck the… humbug?”

  1. I understand exactly where you’re coming from. When we lived in Tucson, it was very hard to get into the Christmas spirit, especially when we would always come “home” to Michigan for Christmas. Getting the house decorated always sounded like more work than it was worth. Especially when it was 75 degrees & sunny. Motivation to even shop sucked. Now, we decorate early, don’t spend a ton of time away from home over the holidays — and it makes a difference. Not looking forward to the depressing moment when we have to take it all down, but… by January, I’ve usually had my fill and I’m ready to take the house back. You’ve done quite a bit considering you’re leaving for Hawaii soon!! Focus on that! Cheers to you!!!!!

    1. @mommaneedsabeer Thanks, lady! Yeah, it will be very different being in a warm locale over Christmas, but the closer the trip gets the more excited for it I become. Cuz we’ll be in HAWAII!!!!

  2. A) I’m totally jealous that you’ll be in Hawaii.

    B) I hate buying gifts for people. I’m just not a good gift giver. I have other people skills, but not that particular one. So I’m thrilled that Christmas will just be us this year, with DH and I refraining from buying each other anything.

    If you really want to get in the Christmas spirit though… Buddy the Elf is not really wrong when he says that the best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear. Put on the Christmas music station on Pandora, crank up the volume, and sing and dance to the music. It will totally get you in the spirit!

    1. @thehhhousewife That’s not a bad idea! I have been listening to some Christmas stations in the car, and it does help. Tonight we’re actually going to dinner in downtown Chicago, so it will be fun to see all the decorations down there too. Nothing like a huge city shining under some bright lights and holiday sparkle!

  3. I so get this post. Once you are the one in charge of making Christmas happen, it kind of sucks the joy out of it.

    I do love me some picnik…. the snow was a nice touch!

    Great post.


  4. It’s ok not to be into this year. No biggie. You’re going on an awesome vacation. Celebrate that! Next year when D is more interested in the concept you can go crazy and you will want to go crazy to make her Christmas spectacular. And I totally agree with mommaneedsabeer on this one. A good snowy Midwestern Christmas will be waiting for you next year and will get you right in the mood!

    P.S. There’s some Christmas cheer on it’s way to you right now thanks to the good ole USPS!!

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