Stop it!

Ok, I normally wouldn’t even waste my breath on this, because I feel like it’s been beaten like a dead horse, but seriously, the child sexual abuse needs to end. Well, all forms of child abuse need to end, but especially that of a sexual nature, since that is what’s been making all these disgusting headlines lately.


Let’s see, we’ve had Catholic priests molesting altar boys for, well, ever I guess. Then of course the Jerry Sandusky Penn State bullshit that just makes me want to vomit more each time I hear new details come forth, and now the scandal involving former Red Sox clubhouse manager Donald Fitzpatrick, who’s been dead for 6 years? And there are obviously countless other attacks in between all those that have never and may never come to light, but which are no less horrifying and damaging.


Well I have a surprise for you all – I have the answer! And it’s this simple:






The end. I will now step off my soapbox and get back to more entertaining fare.




2 Replies to “Stop it!”

    1. @mommaneedsabeer I know! I read yours last week and couldn’t agree more. It’s just so disgusting, disturbing, and sad. And when is it going to end?? Ugh. I especially can’t understand how Sandusky’s wife just stood by and did nothing. I’m sorry, but your husband having boys over to spend the night is NOT ok!

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