11 Replies to “Memories Captured”

    1. @Galit Breen Thank you so much!! I swear I turned around the other day and she was suddenly fully a little girl.

    2. @Galit Breen Thank you so much!! I swear I turned around the other day and she was suddenly fully a little girl.

    1. @notaperfectmama I know – I can hardly believe the little baby is gone and we now have truly a little girl. Thank you!!

    2. @notaperfectmama I know – I can hardly believe the little baby is gone and we now have truly a little girl. Thank you!!

  1. It’s scary how fast it all goes, and how your perspective is always changing. I remember when my daughter was about your daughter’s age and I thought that she wasn’t a baby anymore, too. Now that my daughter is almost 4 (gah!) and I look at your sweet girl, yours still looks like a baby (compared to mine at least) and it makes me more than a wee bit jealous. Why does it all have to go so fast?!?!

    Very sweet picture.

    1. @momjoviblog Aww, thank you, thank you! It seemed like year 1 went just right – not too fast, not too slow. But these past couple months? I swear they’ve taken about 7 seconds to fly by! She just gets bigger and more “little girl” by the day.

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