Because who doesn’t want a Cyber Monday sale, AM I RIGHT? Hopefully you’re not all Black Friday-ed and Small Business Saturday-ed out, or whatever they call all these monstrous Thanksgiving weekend sale days. For here’s one more!


Remember the DIY Blog Critique Workbook I mentioned the other week? The most amazing instructional guide for making over your own blog that ever existed? Yeah, that one. Well guess what? It’s now ON SALE!! Yippee!


Starting tomorrow, Monday, November 28, just click on the button below and enter the code CYBERAWESOME at checkout to receive 25% off the regular price. For just $10.50, you get the complete workbook in all of its 43 point glory, including the super handy spreadsheet to track your progress. That’s only $0.24 for each of those 43 points! You guys, it is SO worth it.


But don’t dawdle, because this sale only runs from midnight until 11:59pm EST on November 28. So on your marks… get set… SHOP!




Again, yes, the links herein are affiliate links, but you all know by now that I did purchase this for myself and have loved using it.




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