So that weekend that was shaping up to be so much fun didn’t disappoint. Starting with girls’ night out on Friday, we had a blast! Unfortunately, I have to admit that this was probably my least favorite of the Twilight movies so far. It just seemed kind of… bland? I guess that would be the best word to describe how I felt when we left the theater. Kind of like wait, what? That was it? That’s all they gave us?! Now if you haven’t seen it yet and are planning to, you might want to skip the next few sentences… Adios… Go on…
But those who’ve seen it, are you with me? I mean the wedding scene was pretty and all, but it lasted like 7 seconds. And the wedding night, which we were all so fervently anticipating, was over in about 4 seconds. Come on!! That was the best part of the whole book and you just skimmed over it?? It was actually almost comical. Boo, jerks. And then the rest of the movie kind of dragged. It’s hard to put my finger on, but I was just left with a blah feeling at the end. Oh well, we still had a blast getting together, and now we know they better step up their game for the final movie next year!
Saturday we got the Thanksgiving food shopping done, and I can’t wait for that feast! We are so fortunate to be able to put all the food on our table that we need and want, and this year I’m especially thankful to be celebrating the day at home, just our own little family of 3.
Then the Packers game yesterday was a great time too. Even this Bears fan does (usually) have fun at Lambeau Field. We left at 7:15 to head up to Green Bay, picking up our friend L along the way. Once there we met up with a group of about a dozen other people for tailgating, including our good friends J and K who live in Minneapolis. It was a very fun day, the Packers won, and we got to spend some time after the game in Curly’s Pub behind the radio sportscasters, since another one of our friends is one of the main personalities. Our table was right behind theirs and overlooked the players’ parking lot, so we got to watch all the Packers getting into their ridiculously pimped out trucks and SUVs to leave. Pretty cool.
The drive back went smoothly and safely, and we got home shortly before 8. It was a long day, and D was already in bed by the time we got home, but she had a lot of fun playing with Grandma. And Daddy had a lot of fun playing with the Packers fans. See…

And now we have a short week before the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Hooray!