Yes, I’m going




A group of girlfriends and I are going to see Breaking Dawn – Part 1 tonight, and I am positively giddy! Many people make fun of the whole Twilight series, R included, but I love it. I read all of the books in record time, and I have had ridiculous amounts of fun going to the first 3 movies with this same group of girls over the years. And I expect tonight to be no different. Can someone just please remind me to not overindulge at happy hour this time so I actually remember the movie? That may or may not have happened a couple times before with this particular group. Ahem.


What can I say? My friends are awesome and fun. Plus who wouldn’t want to knock back a few to get the giggles and squeals flowing before the movie even starts? Because we alllll know what (finally!) happens in this movie… Edward… Bella… married… wedding night… Ahem.


And yes, we are the group of 20- and 30-something girls making more noise in the theater than the teeny boppers. Ha! Teeny boppers. I’d better double check that I’m not really a 90-something here. But for real – have you seen the boys in these movies? Geez! Age matters none when those shirts get ripped off and those abs come out to play. Ow OW!!


Ok, so that’s what I’m doing tonight. How about ch’all? Oh, and tomorrow I’m getting my hair cut and colored, always a lovely event since afterwards I can no longer see the grays and it actually is styled nicely. And then on Sunday we’re heading up to Lambeau Field with a bunch of friends for the Packers game. So yeah, it’s shaping up to be one hell of a fun weekend. I hope yours is too!



22 Replies to “Yes, I’m going”

    1. @shellthings Thanks! See, I have no idea what Hunger Games is all about. But judging by everyone’s excitement about it, maybe it’s something I should look into…

        1. @thehhhousewife@shellthings You guys may have talked me into it. I might have to load them up onto my Kindle. We do have a vacation coming up next month, so hopefully I can do some reading then.

        2. @thehhhousewife@shellthings You guys may have talked me into it. I might have to load them up onto my Kindle. We do have a vacation coming up next month, so hopefully I can do some reading then.

  1. I’m going to see it next week when one of my girlfriends is in town. We love the movies more for the fun of watching people watch them and making fun of the movie itself, but I can’t wait. Enjoy!

    1. @thehhhousewife Hahaha – well that’s still fun, too! I’m not lying, we make more noise than the younger girls in the theater. I love me some shirtless, sparkly vampire men! And the werewolves are pretty easy on the eyes, too. 😉

    2. @thehhhousewife Hahaha – well that’s still fun, too! I’m not lying, we make more noise than the younger girls in the theater. I love me some shirtless, sparkly vampire men! And the werewolves are pretty easy on the eyes, too. 😉

  2. J, i have all three of the Hunger Games books on my kindle. Isn’t there a way that you can “borrow” them from me? We should look into it because you could just read my copies instead of buying them yourself. but yes, you HAVE to read that series, they are great!

    1. @freshmomblog Thanks! The movie wasn’t as good as I was expecting, but a night out with the girls is always a good time!

  3. Hope you had a great nite out last night and enjoyed the movie! I’m gonna see it next weekend with my girlfriends. Can’t wait!

    1. @take2mommy Woo hoo! Girls’ nights are the best. I thought the movie was just so-so compared to the others, but we had a blast nonetheless. 🙂

  4. There weren’t many perks to corporate life, but fun travel opportunities was one of them. And I was lucky to have tickets to a red carpet event for the Oscars a couple of years ago. And I saw Taylor Lautner up close and, well as personal as most people ever will. And I have no shame in saying that that teenager is very, very sexy. Its just a fact of life.

    I love, love, loved the books but have not really gotten into the movies. But I am going to see it Tuesday with my girlfriends and that will surely be super fun. Hope you had a blast!

    1. @mamaonmission1 What?? Awesome!! Yeah, he is scrumptious! I honestly thought this movie was my least favorite so far, but we still had so much fun. And of course now I can’t wait for the last one!

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