As of today, that’s how long I’ve been back at work after having D. 1 entire year. Hmm, how do I feel about that?
Well, I’d still much rather be either working from home or staying home period so I could be with her full-time instead of having to use daycare. So there’s that. Fortunately we do love her daycare, and I know she has a great time there, as evidenced by her smiles and waves good-bye most every morning. Plus she’s learning a lot, so I’m definitely not complaining about the caliber of daycare. It’s just needing it period that I’d rather not have.
How is work? Well, in some respects it’s better than when I first came back. As in I no longer feel like I’m fighting for my own goddamn job every single day. In other respects it’s worse, as in see paragraph above… So I guess the answer to this one is my standard “Work is work.”
How is D? Awesome, of course. The difference between November 8, 2010, and November 8, 2011, just in her alone is astonishing. A little photographic comparison for you… Then:

And now:

For those 2 pictures from last year I had to search all the way back through my text messages from R from that day, which I found amusing. All you working mamas know how heart-wrenching that first day back at your desk and away from your baby is, so here’s a little peek at how I was feeling that day:
A whole year, eh? Crazy. I will tell you 1 thing that hasn’t changed since that first day back last year, though, not even in the slightest. The moment I get to leave work to go pick up D, see her smiley little face again, and know we get to spend the rest of the night all together at home is still the highlight of my day. I have a feeling that won’t ever change, either.