NaBloPo… No

For those of you who have absolutely no idea what title means, NaBloPoMo = National Blog Posting Month, and it begins today, November 1. The premise is to blog daily for the entire month. And I would love to join in, but unfortunately, I just can’t do it this time around.


I love blogging. I get to pour my thoughts out here, pretty much uncensored and unfiltered, just straight out of my head however I want to convey them. Some days I think I have great things to say and could write post after post after post. But other days, well, I just got nuthin’. So I’m afraid that it would be those nuthin’ days that would kind of trip me up here with the whole trying to post continually for a month solid. Sure, you get help with writing prompts and the like, but I still just get this feeling that it would come to feel too much like homework. And I don’t consider myself a “writer”, per se, so right now I don’t feel the need to try to hone some skills by posting for 30 days straight.


Here’s a link to the BlogHer explanation if you’re interested: NaBloPoMo


Plus, I’m a little busy this month. I actually have a side job, yippee! Most of you probably don’t know, but I started a proofreading/editing business last year called JEditing. I have always been a stickler for good spelling, grammar, and the like, and always say how I should be doing that for my job. I know, I know, I don’t use proper capitalization or punctuation sometimes on here, but that’s different. When I’m reviewing something for others, I’m really good.


But I just started work on a pretty big project, so that will be taking precedence over trying to wrack my brain to come up with daily blog posts. I will be curious to see how everyone else does, though. I give them credit. Maybe I’ll give it a whirl next year, we’ll see.


And if anyone’s in the market for a proofreader, I’m your girl! JEditing at your service.



3 Replies to “NaBloPo… No”

  1. Whew. ::sigh of relief:: By the title I totally thought you were going for it! After participating in the Week in the Life I can’t imagine blogging every day. Too. Much. Work. lol

    Glad to hear you have a side job!! Good luck!!

    1. That was my thinking exactly – Week in My Life wore me out enough, I don’t know how I could do a whole month straight!

      Thank you on the side job, too! If I could someday do this for real and be a WAHM, I would be in heaven. HEAVEN I tell ya!

    2. @aliwayout That was my thinking exactly – Week in My Life wore me out enough, I don’t know how I could do a whole month straight!

      Thank you on the side job, too! If I could someday do this for real and be a WAHM, I would be in heaven. HEAVEN I tell ya!

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