As you all know, last week I participated in the Week in My Life project with Mel from Adventuroo. After those 7 days of continuous posts, I figured I should do a little recap of sorts.

I took pictures (lots of pictures!). I made notes. I kept track of times. I paid attention to details I may otherwise have glossed over in the general day-to-day. I spent hours putting everything together so I could share these little moments of my life.
So what did I take away from all of this work?
- I love being a mom. This should come as no surprise, seeing as I’ve talked about how having D has changed my perceptions in so many ways time and time again, but realizing that my posts from the week almost entirely revolved around how we spent our time with D really solidified in my mind and heart that my role as Mommy is what’s most important to me.
- I want to be able to stay home with our children, and I’m going to work very hard these next couple years to hopefully make that happen someday.
- After learning so many stories of SAHMs this week, I find myself trying harder to do what it would take to be a good one. More play time with D; more instructional/educational stuff for her so I could actually teach her something worthwhile if she weren’t at daycare each day; more hands-on with her toys to really be engaged with her; lots of reading books, which she now loves; lots of talking to her and with her, even without real words yet.
- I am so blessed to have in R a partner who wholeheartedly loves raising and nurturing our little family as much as I do. It doesn’t hurt that he’s a culinary master either, so we don’t have to live on the bowls of cereal that are about the extent of my skills in the kitchen.
- We want to take more advantage of nature. We live in an area with so many wonderful state parks, that after our little hiking adventure last week we realize we need to use them much more often. Sitting around the house on free weekends is great and all, but D loves to be outside and I think a weekly or even biweekly jaunt would be fun. Like our Saturday or Sunday morning time – head to a park, play around for a little while, come home and relax. Sounds totally doable.
- R and I need to give each other more hugs. We’re constantly smothering D with hugs and kisses. Can’t forget about the adults in the house, too.
- Even if I’m not continually taking pictures each day anymore, I should try to really capture the everyday mentally. Watch D’s little face because her beautiful expressions change daily. See her mouth trying to form new words and sounds and feel my heart almost explode at what an amazing little person we’ve created. Soak in her smell because nothing smells better than warm baby. Hear her contagious peals of laughter and tiny quick footsteps padding around the house. Watch in utter adoration as R picks up his baby girl and feel my heart overflow with love for those 2 – my family.
I can honestly say I never would have thought to do something as intense as this Week in My Life, but I’m so glad I did. Thanks again, Mel! You’ve helped me remember something that can easily get pushed into the background – I love my everyday, and every day of it most definitely is a blessing.
This made me tear up! I’m so happy that you got so much out of it. As someone who had to work during Big Roo’s first three years, I realize how lucky I am too to have this daily moments with them.
Thanks so much for participating this week!
Aww, thanks, Mel!! His first 3 years, eh? So you’re saying there’s still hope for me yet… 😉
Wasn’t this just such a great experience? Hard as hell, no doubt, and especially on top of going to work every day (for you). But it really was amazing!
I sure hope that someday you reach your dream of staying at home, cause it’s awesome. But please know that the unconditional love and devotion you have for Miss D doesn’t go away just cause you go to work. It’s there even stronger in those special moments you two have together, it’s so evident in your pictures and words. And every day you go to work is to make her life better, right? Keep doing what you’re doing!
Also, I second that part about getting outside more. We really need to do more on the weekends but sometimes we’re all just too exhausted to move.
Finally, so glad you included that part about giving R more affection. I think I’ve got to apply that one as well. I kiss this child CONSTANTLY and Daddy? Maybe three times a day. Gotta work on that!
So glad to have ‘met’ you through this process! Your posts make me smile!
Alexia, you just TOTALLY made my day with this! Actually, you made my week. Thank you so much for your kind words! I always forget that this going to work business is to make life for us and D the best that it can be, and my desire to stay home is a pretty selfish one. That said, though, I do hope to someday be able to do it because I hate having to miss out on these early years with her. I just need to keep working long enough to get some of our bills to a manageable level if we were to have only 1 income, so unfortunately it’s more of a medium-term goal than near-term, but at least I have it in my sights!
And thank you so much for continuing to read, even after our week was over. I hope I keep you smiling!
I admit I catch myself taking this SAHM gig for granted. It does get a little exhausting and mundane, as well as crazy, but I really am lucky to be able to do it. I know I will look back on these days with great fondness, and you will too. Great lessons taken from the week.
Leigh Ann recently posted..Week in My Life Recap
Thanks, Leigh Ann!
Oh mama… what a great reflection on the week! Having recently been in your shoes, i know exactly how you feel about wanting to be a SAH mama but not knowing how to do it. And first let me say that it is not, repeat not, a selfish desire. That line of thinking is exactly why I had to be fired, rather than just quitting like I should have. I thought that voluntarily staying home made me lazy and selfish. Nope. Nope. Nope. So if you have to work in the short term in order to meet your goals, then do what you have to do sister. But don’t ever work just for the sake of saying you have a job. Bo-gus!
And my next piece of advice is this… you would be SURPRISED at how easily you will adjust to a lesser household income. I panicked when I lost my job. I made $10K more a year than my hubs, so we took a gigantic hit to our bank account. I thought for sure we’d miss payments left and right. But the months went on and I haven’t even touched the savings. You find that you eat out less, shop at more reasonable grocery stores and stop spending $200 every time you go to Target (guilty as charged). I can’t explain it, but it just works itself out. Had I known we’d be okay on Da’s salary and my Mary Kay income – I’d have never gone back to work to begin with.
Which brings me to my last bit of advice – think outside the box when it comes to opportunities for earning a little cash. (I’ll spare you the details – read my post a few weeks back about “getting out of your own way” for the full Life Lesson by Mama On A Mission 🙂 ) I would have never dreamed that something like Mary Kay could make all the difference in my life, but what a blessing and a surprise. It allows me flexibility, pays the bills and is totally stress-free. In fact, its actually fun. Who knew? So ask yourself a few questions about what your goals are and what you would like to change about your current situation. And then explore other means for meeting those goals. If you ever want to chat about it – I’m here. I know its totally scary, but you will never regret making a change that allows you to be home with your little D!
Loved this post – and your cute little blog in general!
Andrea recently posted..Pink Changing Lives
Again, a huge thank you!! That is really good to hear that you guys have been totally ok since you stopped working. We are in a similar salary situation, and have already talked about where we need to be before I can stay home. But knowing that if it happens before we’re “ready” won’t completely fry us is very reassuring.
I was reading about your Mary Kay biz yesterday, and I’d be lying if I said the thought of something like that didn’t cross my mind. I actually tried it a few years ago with a wine company, but I discovered that I am a TERRIBLE saleswoman. You don’t want to buy any wine? Ok then. 🙂 I just hate trying to talk people into something they don’t want, because I despise it when someone tries that with me. So the personal direct sales wasn’t really up my alley. I know Mary Kay isn’t exactly the same, but I think it’s kind of along the same lines. I do thank you, though, for offering to chat. I may need to take you up on that at some point! And if not about MK, then just because it’s fun to have other girls to reach out to, even in the big scary internet. 🙂
Thank you, too, for sticking around to read my blog after our week of life posting was over. I’ve got yours all teed up in my Google reader now, and love continuing to follow you guys! Don’t worry, totally not in a creepy interwebz stalker way either, ha!
More hugs. More Nature. Sounds good to me.
Loved getting a glimpse into your life this month. I hope we all get to do this together again next year. 😉
Alissa recently posted..Are you wrong?
Thanks, Alissa. I do too! It was a very cool experience.