Now try not to get too jealous, but I just had the most exciting Friday in the history of Fridays. This fifth day in my Week in My Life with Adventuroo was stupendous. Please come inside and share my story, won’t you?

Friday afternoons at work generally result in my leaving pretty early, and today was no exception. R went to Great Lakes Distillery for a couple drinks with one of his coworkers after work today, so I picked up D and headed home.

Here comes the juicy part of my fun. You ready for this? I spent my Friday afternoon CLEANING MY HOUSE. Yep, that’s right – dusted, vacuumed, and cleaned the bathroom. Holla! I can see you all are green with envy, so I’ll break it down a little for you.
Yeah, I was totally kidding in that first line above, in case you hadn’t sensed my sarcasm by now. But here’s the deal. I hate… no, HATE! wasting even 1 second of my precious weekend time doing chores. I would much rather spend a late-week weeknight getting all of the housecleaning for the week done than have to do any of it on a Saturday or Sunday. Especially when we have nothing planned that night, why not get it out of the way while I can?
So today when D and I got home I dialed it into clean machine mode and got started before R got home. It’s actually much easier for me to do the cleaning while he’s gone and out of my way, so I wanted to take advantage of all the time I had before his coworker dropped him off after their little happy hour. Like I’ve said, D is really pretty good about entertaining herself, so once I satisfied her little “get me” arms reaching up with a few minutes of holding and snuggling, I gave her a bottle of milk and snack tub of Cheerios and put her down to play while I got to work right about 4:00. She loves just following me around the house watching, too, so it usually works out pretty well.

These Swiffer dusters are my best friends. I don’t think I’ll ever use a cleaning spray and rag again. These babies do the trick nicely.

I love those pictures of D above with both her milk and water bottles, because it shows how she plays with her hair every time she drinks from one. Apparently it doesn’t matter what’s in it either, as long as it has a nipple the hair gets twirled.
R got home shortly after 4:30 and played with D for awhile as I continued the dusting. Thankfully he gave D dinner tonight so I could finish vacuuming the rest of the house I didn’t do last night, Swiffer sweep under the bed and couch where the vacuum won’t reach, and wipe down the bathroom. D didn’t mind the vacuum at all tonight, and actually followed me the entire time wanting to inspect it and even touched it a couple times.

These are my second best friends, because I’m often not in the mood to do a full-on bathroom cleaning and will just wipe everything down to disinfect with them. Too bad I used my last one tonight, boo.

Hooray! House is clean! It was just before 6 by this point, so it took me right around 2 hours to get everything done. And just like that, I will not be wasting any of this weekend with a duster or broom in hand. I will need to do laundry and maybe mow the yards tomorrow, but those are easy chores to me. It’s this inside tediousness that I don’t really like. And now it was bath time for D since she didn’t have one the past 2 nights. Be prepared, because Naked Baby made an appearance after the bath and decided to do some dancing in the living room.

Tonight R and I ordered fish frys from the Legion Hall near our house, so R called those in for pick-up as I was doing a last little bit of cleaning up in the kitchen after Naked Baby was diapered and dressed. I wanted to be back in time for the Brewers game, so we nailed the timing. I left at 6:48 to go get the food and was back at 7:00, just in time for the first pitch. Go Brewers!

D played for awhile as R and I watched the game and ate our fish, with plenty of “touchdown!” arms when she heard the crowd cheering. She has an inflatable beer bottle (yeah i know, bad example, but she loves playing with it and obviously has no idea what it is) that she now likes to ride like a horsey and often bounces right off.

Around 7:30 R noticed she had puked up a little milk over in her play corner, so I went and changed her jammies to get the sour off. With a new diaper and fresh pair of pjs on, her tell-tale bedtime eye rubs prompted me to refill her bottle of milk and take her in to rock to sleep a bit. I carried her into her room at 7:41, rocked and snuggled for a few as her heavy eyelids finally closed for the night, and put the remainder of her bottle back in the fridge at 7:50.
And now, as promised, I am enjoying my glass of Hallowine. I may have to make it a little more than a glass tonight; this bottle’s almost empty, and I have another flower that could use a vase. What? It’s festive.
It’s 8:30 again, I just started the dishwasher, and I should have this post finished up and pictures added in about half an hour. Then it’s lounge, lounge, lounge for me and R the rest of the night. Hopefully the Brewers can get their heads out of their asses and pull off a comeback here, for this one’s looking pretty ugly tonight.
I still haven’t decided if I’m going to do a separate post for Saturday and Sunday this weekend or just combine them into one big recap, since I don’t usually post on weekends. I guess you’ll just have to come back to find out. Oh the suspense!
It’s the freakin’ weekend, baby, and I’m about to have me some fun!