Oh, Thursday, you day you. There you are, sandwiched between the hump day of Wednesday and the freedom of Friday, but you’re special in that you’re that brief moment before we hit full-on weekend mode. The anticipation, the relief, the ahh… Here’s what was the haps on this Thursday, the 4th day of my Week in My Life series with Adventuroo…

Today was crappy and rainy, so R forewent the bike taxi and I picked D up from daycare again. We had to run to the grocery store on the way home, something I always contemplate doing before I get D for ease of lugging groceries around minus the toddler, but she loves to ride in the cart and I hate leaving her at daycare longer than necessary so I got her first. On Thursdays our neighborhood grocery has milk on sale 2 gallons for $4. What the what?? This kid goes through so much milk I need that sale. Unfortunately the organic milk isn’t included in there, of course, but I have a hard time passing up getting double the milk for 2/3 the price of 1 gallon of organic whole milk. So hopefully she won’t start sprouting a third eye or suddenly double in size by next week.

However, I’m a complete space cadet and totally forgot to take any pictures of her cute little self riding in the cart. Seriously? Come on. Oh well, guess you’ll just have to settle for pics from home again. We got home around 5:30, and after making 2 trips in from the car (1 for D and 1 for the groceries), I got her up in her highchair and ready for dinner since she was getting pretty whiny. What’re we having tonight, Mom? So glad you asked! The green beans you didn’t get to eat last night, some Colby cheese, a couple banana-shaped and -flavored teething cookies, and of course Cheerios. Because what meal is complete without at least a handful of Cheerios shoved in your mouth?

I threw in that empty paper towel roll with the new roll sitting right next to it just cuz. Does anyone else do that? Like it’s too hard to unscrew the top of the roll handle and put the new one on? I just cannot be taxed like that.
Tonight would normally have been bath night for D since she didn’t have one last night, but she didn’t wear any leftovers home from daycare today so I figured I’d just wipe her off after dinner and save the bath for tomorrow night. You know, clean up for the weekend and all. Please ignore how dirty the bottoms of her pj feet are. I apparently need to mop our floors. Twice.

Once I got her changed and her teeth somewhat brushed, she was off to play for a bit while I went back out to tackle the kitchen clean-up. I was feeling antsy and frustrated since I got 0% of the cleaning accomplished that I had hoped to tonight, so the huge mess in D’s highchair and floor underneath it made me less than pleased. So I busted out the vacuum for a few minutes because I was sick of stepping on crumbs. D wasn’t too enthused about that.

After I got D’s dinner remnants off the dining room floor and all the dirt and mud from today’s rains off the kitchen and living room floors, I turned my attention to the kitchen sink. Where I was greeted with this lovely scene…

Awesome. Fortunately D was out in the living room sitting with Daddy to start her bottle bedtime routine again, so I had some time to myself to get that mess taken care of. By now it was 6:30. And by 7:00, I had this…

And this…

And this…

Don’t worry, I won’t show you what the contents of that bag of dirty diapers look like. I’ll be nice and spare your stomachs. Normally it doesn’t take me half an hour to clean off D’s highchair tray and cut a couple flower stems to put in vases, but I got distracted for a few minutes when R came into the kitchen to heat up some dinner and D soon followed. I absolutely love watching her play and “read” her books. She’s really quite good at entertaining herself.

Now it’s 8:30, and here I sit, typing up this post and getting ready to edit all the pictures. D played for longer than usual tonight, but finally reported for sack duty about half an hour ago. My goal is to be in bed around 9:00 tonight (ok fine, 9:30 at the lastest. the brewers are on!), because I have to get up early at 5:00 tomorrow morning to do my workout with Jillian before work. Man, do I hate her because she makes my body hurt, but that means it’s working, right? Right?! And man, could I go for another glass of Hallowine tonight, but that 5:00 alarm always comes so damn quickly. Tomorrow night, I promise. I have more flowers that need vases!

Dudes, I’m so excited tomorrow is Friday, you have no idea. Come back and see how we play on TGIF!

Yes, that’s the same green pj shirt. What?
Dude, we have so much in common! I go through the same mental battle when buying milk. Do I buy the regular milk on sale or the expensive organic? I’ll tell you what, the sale (aka my wallet) usually prevails.
And the paper towel thing? Yep, I do that too!
Yeah!!! So glad I’m not alone! I totally want to do the whole organic thing because I know it’s good for her and whatnot, but seriously? Why is it all so damn expensive? Then when I see sales like this one I think, when we were growing up, I never even heard the word organic, and we’re fine. So sale milk it is. 🙂
Yes – I hate empty paper towel rolls. Toilet paper I can handle, paper towels? Nope, too hard to switch.
We do the SAME thing with the paper towels… and the toilet paper. LOL. I hear ya on the milk… I buy lots of organic but it’s so hard to swallow the price of the milk (no pun intended). However, milk is probably one of the most important organic things to buy. I need to suck it up (unless there was a really good sale).
Did you get to bed at 9:30? I would too if I had to be up at 5!
I know, I’m always torn with the organic b/c I know milk is like one of the top things we should go organic on, but I just can’t pass up this sale. 2 gallons for less than the price of 1 organic?? It gets me every time.
I did! Well, almost. I was in bed around 9:45, so I’m counting that as a win. And I was right – 5:00 came MUCH too quickly, especially when I knew I had to face Jillian.
Isn’t it amazing how great having a clean kitchen and empty sink feels? The littlest things in life make me SOO happy.
And how lucky are you to have a child that enjoys shopping. I try to go with out my little guy as much as I can because he HATES it. I’ve never seen a child his age hate shopping like he does. If he goes, I have to bribe him with looking at the fish to make him be okay with it.
PS… Cherrios go with EVERYTHING.
Hehe – yes, Cheerios are like baby magic! I know – seeing the kitchen cleaned up like that at the end of each evening makes me SO happy, I can’t even describe it. I’m totally one of those people who enjoys eating a meal more knowing everything is cleaned up beforehand, rather than having to clean all the prep dishes and stuff up after I’ve eaten the meal. Weird, I know. 😉
That picture of you two in the ducky mirror is so super sweet!!! Even in 6 months, that picture will look different! Good for you for capturing yourself every day. I’ve been bad about that.
Thank you!! That picture totally didn’t dawn on me until right when I took it last night, either. It’s funny how this little project is helping us capture so many cool everyday things that we never would otherwise. Like if I wasn’t carrying my phone around constantly this week trying to snap everything after work, I definitely wouldn’t have thought to take that duckie mirror picture.
Goodness, your girl is so cute. I adore babies in footie pajamas. 🙂
Thank you! I would dress her in footie pajamas 100% of the time if it were socially acceptable to wear pjs in public. 🙂 Well, I guess people wouldn’t care too much since she’s a baby, but I think daycare prefers clothes, ha!
It makes me feel very dull and frumpy to say it, but there’s not much I like more than a clean sink.
Not dull and frumpy at all! I love me a clean sink!! 😉