Super fan recap

Are you kidding me with our sports this weekend?? How amazing was that! In case you were in a cave, under a rock, or in a remote part of the world with neither signal nor connection, let me give you the low-down of this historic weekend in Sconnie-land…


1:07 pm:  The Brewers hosted the Arizona Diamondbacks in game 1 of the NLDS. Tidbit – this was the first time in history that the Brewers opened up a playoff series at home. Pretty cool. And we were at Miller Park, witnessing every pitch. It was awesome!! I must admit, though, the crowd was extremely underwhelming in their enthusiasm level. Remember how I said the playoff games we attended in 2008 were electrifying? The ones this weekend were more on the level of a shock you get in dry air when you walk on carpet with socks on then touch something metal. In other words, snooze-a-riffic. I have no idea why, seeing as this is the PLAYOFFS, but I digress. The Brewers won 4-1, everyone left the stadium in a great mood, and we still had another game to watch. It was Badgers time!

7:00 pm:  Kickoff at Camp Randall, where the Badgers hosted the Nebraska Cornhuskers. (seriously? cornhuskers? nice mascot) I was uber jealous of everyone at the game in Madison, but we had our fun earlier watching the Brewers win so settled in with some pizza for football-viewing at home. I went into this one feeling like we’d probably win, but it’d be a really close game. Um, wrong. We blew them away! Badgers won 48-17, and I was just happy to see that Camp Randall didn’t collapse during that rendition of Jump Around. We are now 5-0, thankyouverymuch.


12:00 pm:  The Chicago Bears hosted the Carolina Panthers and beat them 34-29. Devin Hester set an NFL record with his 11th punt return for a touchdown, Matt Forte ran for a career-high 205 yards, and I’d just like to say Cam Newton, Shmam Newton. Oh, wait, what? You’re Packers fans? Ok fine – they hosted the Denver Broncos at 3:00 pm and crushed them too, 49-23.

4:07 pm:  Game 2 of the NLDS at Miller Park. The Brewers continued their domination with a 5-run 6th inning and beat the D-backs 9-4. We were lucky enough to be at this game too, with D in tow this time, and witnessed more history being made. Ryan Braun hit his first postseason home run ever, and the Brewers became the only team with a 2-0 postseason series lead right now. Can you say BEAST MODE??

Talk about exciting! It was definitely a great weekend to be a Badger!! Now let’s keep it up. The Brewers continue their series Tuesday night out in Arizona, and the Badgers have this coming Saturday off before hosting Indiana at Camp Randall for Homecoming weekend in 2 weeks. As the sports writers are saying, this weekend was one for the ages. We saw 4 nationally televised games, a potential Heisman Trophy candidate quarterback in action in Russell Wilson, a potential NL MVP in action (that’d be Brauny), and yes, for you Packers fans, a potential NFL MVP in action as well in Rodgers. 237,101 fans attended 1 of the 4 games this weekend, with some lucky ones making it to 2 or more. It really was tremendous. Go Wisconsin!


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