Love to Zaria

Yet another tear-jerkingly sad baby story, but I just can’t ignore it and not pass it on. I found Zaria’s tale through Jenny at What the blog?, then clicked over to read about her myself.

I can’t even imagine her parents’ pain. To have one of their twin daughters stillborn at 21 weeks, cling to the hope of the other’s survival for a month, then face the indescribable pain of losing her as well, all too soon.

I really have no more words – I can’t seem to think of anything quite fitting for the loss of such tiny little souls. So please go read about Zaria. Suzanne is hosting a most excellent fundraiser for the family, and all you moms-to-be out there could have a chance to win some pretty sweet gear. Or if you are so inclined, give a little something to the March of Dimes, an organization dedicated to helping families like Zaria’s through their struggles and giving those tiny ones a fighting chance.

Love to Zaria!


2 Replies to “Love to Zaria”

  1. Oh, thank you for this wonderful post! I’m saving everything for Hope to read. Thanks again so very much!

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